And now a metaphor for my life . . .

May 03, 2004 16:05

Just got back from Disney World yesterday. I just thought, why is there a space between Disney and World if there isn't between Disney and Land . . . think about it? Disneyland, Disney World . . . I'll leave you to ponder this conundrum.

I ended up leaving my wallet in Washington D.C. on my return connection flight and got a call today from a wonderful samaritan who is returning my wallet with it's money fully enclosed. I am one lucky mo-fo, let me tell you. This is just the thing that would happen to me, it's happened to me before, therefore, I wasn't surprised that this would happen, I was actually surprised that it didn't happen earlier, not that I wanted it to.

Got sunburnt like usual. On the last day I was there, as usual. It hurts like a mother, as usual. I am such a creature of habit that somethings that would bother regular people don't even phase me anymore, like leaving my new wallet packed with money unspent at Disney in an airport or the stinging pain of shoulder straps from my tank top or back pack on my bright, lobster red sunburn. Most of the time people would freak out but not me, for me this is life as usual. Could you imagine what it would be like if I had to travel for a living? I'll leave you to ponder this madness.

A number of inside jokes have accumulated from this trip such as Big Thunder, Speaking of Cocaine, God, What is Dripping On my Leg, Jamie, Caked With DNA, and many others. I am thoroughly pleased with the number of good times of which I experienced while sweating my ass off in the humid, storm filled Florida air and the bright burning Florida sun and I greatly look forward to going back and spending time there with a less hectic schedule and a lack of heavy, red and white uniforms and a flute. I want to spend a vacation the way it was meant to be spent. Although I wish I could bring the adorable Gramma B and Mama B. They were so sweet.

After taking the day off to relax and sleep and unpack I feel I am now ready to get back to the daily grind and get to work. It will almost be relief to me. As much as I love to do nothing a great change has come over me over this trip to where I realized that human interaction is a good thing. And as much of a homebody as I am, I sometimes still like to spend time with my friends and I owe this realization to "The Ladies" Brooke Pearson, Kate Driscoll, and Danielle Perrin, we laughed so much our stomachs hurt and because of this we are willing to plan one night a week where we eat and laugh and do what girls do. So before I leave I would like to call a girl group . . . haha, if you get it than you're cooler than I thought.
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