Voter Registrations Possibly Trashed

Oct 12, 2004 19:21

Well, well, well. The Rethuglicans are at it again. While their Xtian adherents rant about the sacred life of embryos, the Republican National Committee is disenfranchising their rivals through the most crude manner possible - destroying Democratic voter registrations ( Read more... )

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*That's* civilised? megpie71 October 13 2004, 07:03:00 UTC
You have the option to declare a party affiliation, or say you are unaffiliated. This will restrict some of the primary elections you can vote in.

When you get to a final election (local/municipal, county, state, federal), then you may choose whom you wish and cross party lines to vote. Your party affiliation *is* part of your voter record.

Now, what amazes me about this is that down under here, this sort of stuff is fairly straightforward. If you want to influence which candidate is selected by a particular political party, you have to join the party (ie pay a membership fee) and attend meetings. That gives you a say in the political makeup of the party. But membership in one party or another has absolutely squat to do with your name on the electoral roll.

Currently, I'm not a member of a particular political party. This means I can't get involved in preselection (which I think is the nearest equivalent to the US primary that we've got) for any of them. I'm thinking of joining the Socialist Alliance, which means I'd be able to vote in *their* preselection, but as for the other parties - well, I won't even know about dates or times.

No offence meant, Ang, but I think I'll stay the heck out of the US, given what you're telling me - mainly for my own safety. I'd be too likely to damn well start shooting my mouth off, and wind up getting my butt shot off by some worked up redneck.


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