And on to chapter 32

Jul 17, 2004 22:55

Made a good start on chapter 32 tonight. It's been hotter than blue blazes here all day, but cooled off enough to allow semi-coherent thought the last three hours. I got @ 1300 words done and I like them.

Borondir and Wren showed up without asking for permission, the cheeky pair. Borondir is another one smitten with Finduilas in his own quiet way.

So, now the political guessing game de jour is are we going to invade Cuba *before* the US elections, or are we going to build up the war drum for invading Iran *after* them?

And, no, I'm not joking. That is what's traveling around. Oh, and we have seven aircraft carrier strike groups heading for war games right off China's coast. Now isn't that going to reassure the Chinese that we have no aggressive intents towards them?

It's called gunboat diplomacy, and it didn't particularly go down well with the locals the *last* time we tried it.

My nation is going stark raving bonkers.

Kerry/Edwards 2004
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