Growing up liberal in a conservative town was a challenge. It was especially bad in middle school. That's when the depression set in. I needed an escape, and I looked to writing to create my perfect world. And that "perfect world" became my security blanket for many years to come. Not that it was ever truly perfect. What sort of plot would that
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It's definitely a well drawn world and well thought out and probably very vivid in your mind, which means you can place people into it easily.
BTW, characters talk to me all the freakin' time, and adding Lance's voice to my already noisy head OMG. LOL. Also, don't take this as you have to follow my word, it's just advice, but characters will actually talk to you more, if you write about them more, or just write more.
I am recently out of an extreme writing funk, and it's a) partly the re-embracing of Voltron, but also the making myself write something everyday. No matter what. Just a daily habit, even if it's something I never use, or I delete the next the day when I look at it. Just write at least 500 words minimum.
I haven't read lots and lots myself, I never could read Lord of the Rings Trilogy, I tried numerous times, Tolkien's style just bored me to death, I couldn't get more than five or more pages in without feeling like it was a chore. I haven't read LeGuin either.
I have though read tons of other things, and since 1997 when I got online had mainlined I don't know how much fanfiction and in three specific fandoms, have read things that are brilliant and beautiful stories that you would never find in a bookstore but are just as good if not better quality writing and storytelling in some ways. Firefly, Angel and Supernatural. I don't know if it's because they are Genre shows, or what, but I read some gorgeous stuff, in Firefly and SPN a lot of it was in the Slash in the community and some of it in the Gen fic stuff. Angel, my pairing was het, and some gorgeous pieces there.
You can probably find fanfic about LeGuin's stuff, though I don't know if she's an author who is okay with fic or not. Some are (Rowling, that idiot who wrote Twilight, various others) and some aren't. (
Sometimes fanfiction can be the most brilliant writing out there, I've found, it's gorgeous.
In terms of writing every day, being a teacher and in grad school kind of prevents that. I do most writing in the summer.
LeGuin is brilliant, but her writing and novels are not conducive to fan fiction (which is fine, because there seriously is nothing to improve). To be truthful, as much as I enjoy reading FF (and there are some very well-written fics out there), it's not where I want to draw my inspiration and technique from.
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