Hi! It's been a little bit since I've last wrote anything. Things have been pretty decent.
Cody and I have found out that we are definitely moving soon, (like in November) but we aren't sure where yet. He figures that out pretty much the week of the move (when he finishes his school). I hope that we move some where maybe close to home. I could perhaps start my tattooing career if that happens. So that's pretty much the news about that. I've been packing all of our stuff, well the stuff we don't immediately need for the moment. I've been doing that all week. We went and got spackle and paint to fix up holes and and other uh-ohs around the house. I'm probably going to start that today. We're going to start putting the packed up boxes that I can fit in my Neon into storage. And then right before we have to be out of the house (the week of Oct. 14th) we're going to rent a truck and move all the big stuff (couch, mattress, washer/dryer). That week someone from my family, probably my mom or my little brother is going to fly out and help me drive home. I'll stay in St. Louis for the month and a half Cody's going to be in school.
In Art news, I recently entered a show back in St. Charles,
the Painting show at Foundry Art Centre. I got a letter back from them on Thursday and I got two of the three paintings in to the show! I entered my pink ladies with the bouffants, and I got
Marie Anais and
Marie Adeline in.
The Show starts on October 10th, I won't be there for the Reception but that's okay. I think that I'll be in town to see the show at some point.
Also I opened my own Etsy.com shop!
angieeverett.etsy.comI sold my first plushy on the day after I opened my shop! crazy huh? I painted some little paintings to sell, I actually really like them, very simple cute.
Under the cut are some of the items I have up on the shop, Plush and Painting.