Jul 16, 2005 11:03
OMG I have to give a clarinet lesson in like 2 minutes! Or now! I luv givin em so if you ever want one gimme a call lol.
Andy every time I hear a song by weezer I think of you. Which is a lot cause they're always on the radio.
I'm mad my mom messed w/ my tape recorder and I had a clarinet duet on it my friend and I played and all my mom had to say was hello and make some crazy retard noises I was like wtf? ah....
Oh my procrastination has gotten me to a level where I don't have an audition peace ready for camp next week! How dissappointing...I can't wait to go to the grocery store! Wow...todays going to be a good day I can tell :) Day 1 of my fad fruit and veggie vegan thing. I can eat tuna and chicken so I guess Its not a vegan thing and if ur wondering why I'm doing it, well, why not...I want to see what goes down I'll keep it posted. Lets see I'm 130 lbs now. mmmm coffee...
mwah!☻ woah