Today? Has really not been as good as yesterday. At all. Today was like coming down from some huge high I was on all of yesterday, and I kinda came down hard. Not that it's been a terrible day or that anything horrible has happened - in fact, I've actually had quite a lot of fun today - I just really haven't been in the mood. For anything. And I've been oh-so deadly tired.
But... coming home and taking a long shower and then watching "House" and READING THE NEW "SPOILERS" just... let's just say it definitely improved my mood. LOL
01. Okay, so the non-shippy stuff out of the way first as per usual! (The best way to do it so I can just go on with my FLAILY after I've gone through the serious stuff. LOL)
So I've never been a Foreman fan. In fact, I feel quite indifferent to him. I don't care for him, he doesn't piss me off too often or enough to actually make me care. Yeah, "indifferent" is pretty much the perfect word to describe my feelings when it comes to him.
However... I quite enjoyed this ep, and I really liked that we got to see this side of him. And the fact that they actually lost a patient? Okay, seriously, this is one of my pet peeves when it comes to "House" - that they always figure it out. It kinda takes the edge off of an otherwise absolutely brilliant show. The fact that they failed this week, just made it a lot more interesting. They should fail more often, because that would give the show more suspense in my opinion. Like, "Will they really make it in time??" I'm not saying they should fail every other week or anything, because I realize that part of the show is House having his final epiphany every week and figure out what's really wrong, but hey... every once in awhile, at least. Just so you can never be certain when watching.
I loved the scene where Wilson brought House coffee and just sat down with him and they didn't even talk. It was just such a wonderful friendship scene. I really do love House and Wilson. I mean, I honestly see nothing sexual between them at all, like the House/Wilson shippers do, but I love their relationship.
And the House/Foreman "mentor scene" at the end was brilliant, too. Foreman may not have liked what House said, but he was right. And he wasn't being nasty about it at all. I kinda really loved that.
And the last scene with Foreman and his mother? Okay, we all know I'm a mushy softie, but that made me cry. I admit it. I fully admit it.
Okay, so on to the FLAILY! ;)
02. HELLO JANE ADAMS! This is such a fandom collision! And I would've loved to see a scene with her and Lisa, simply because of "Relativity". But still, so cool!
03. HAHAHAHAHA! God. He really did ask her to a play. Like seriously. LMFAO
House: "I asked Cuddy to a play. Thursday."
Wilson: *laughs* *looks up* *realizes House is serious* "Oh you, oh, okay."
House: "Said she was busy."
Wilson: "And you didn't believe her, so... you bribed a janitor, broke into her computer, checked her appointments..." (God, you know him so well. LOL That's so stuff he'd do.)
House: "I asked her as a test."
Wilson: "What would you have learned if she'd said yes?"
House: "A lot about bondage."
LMFAO!!!! Okay, seriously, test or not test, it doesn't matter. He was serious about it, probably even more so than he even realizes himself. See, I'm not totally sure House himself has gotten how truly into this woman he really is yet. I mean, yes, he has this incredible fascination with her, and he can't stand her dating other guys, but has he truly gotten to the point where he realizes he's doing all of this because he wants her for himself? I'm not so sure. To a certain point, maybe (I mean, I'm sure he knows he totally sexually attracted to her), but I think that final realization where it hits him that this is the real thing has yet to hit him. Which I suppose is also what Cuddy is waiting for.
So again, test? Doesn't matter. If she'd said yes and totally went for it, he would've so taken her. Yes. In the literal sense. *smiles sweetly*
AND OMG!! HIS FACE WHEN HE REALIZES WILSON IS TAKING HER ON ANOTHER "DATE"!! Okay, dude, you need to let the real realization hit you soon and hit you hard!
04.. OMG!! ´Pretty Cuddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. *pets* And the House/Cuddy conversation!! FLJADKLJAKDLJAFLJSADKJ Okay, seriously.
House: "You're going to a gallery to see Venezuelan pictures that don't exist, but you won't go to a play with me. Why?"
Cuddy: "House, why is my social life suddenly red hot? One minute I'm mushing along with the Huskies as usual and suddenly it's global warming. You THINK you saw somebody else pick up a toy from the sandbox and suddenly you want it." (OMG!! LISA, YOU ARE TEH FUCKING BRILLIANT!! Seriously, her line delivery here and her face? FUCKING BRILLIANT!!!)
House: "Is that why you said no?"
Cuddy: "Maybe I just want a FRIEND and I thought Wilson was the safe choice." (OH, CUDDY, YOU JUST FELL RIGHT INTO THE TRAP!! LFJALDJA)
House: "I'm not safe? Cool."
FLKAJDLAJDJ SHE SO OUTED HERSELF THERE, AND SHE KNOWS IT!! I mean... God. Okay. There's no doubt in my mind that Cuddy likes (if not LOVES) House. There's no doubt in my mind that she definitely does not consider him "safe" in anyway. I've said it over and over and over again: she's merely waiting for him to show he's truly real about all this, and not just wanting her because - as she put it - someone else took his "toy" away.
This whole conversation between them just totally blew me away! FKLSADJ
05. House is so fucking sneaky, and he's jealous, and whatnot, and him looking at a condo for the mere sake of questioning Wilson's ex-wife about his dating habits is just so fucking hilarious and such a House thing to do. LOL
06. Okay. OH. MY. FUCKING. GOD. Cuddy in that dress? Okay, seriously, I'm so gay for this woman it's not even funny. LOL But okay, it's so interesting that there is absolutely no cleavage on that dress! I mean... whenever I picture House and Cuddy going on a date? I see a lot of cleavage going on. LOL
07. And that art exhibit! LMAO Okay, I'm having way too much fun with this. And god, how much would I have loved for House and Cuddy to go to that exhibit together?? LOL Which YES, reminds me! House's bondage comment to Wilson earlier? Was that foreshadowing for this? LMAO
And hahaha, god... Wilson getting so flustered after the "date" comment. *giggles* But okay, really. I don't know how much more they're gonna play around with this House/Cuddy/Wilson triangle, but I'm really not worried at all anymore. I mean... No. I'm just not. LOL (It might come back to bite me in the ass, but I don't care.)
And god, your smile and your laugh woman! How any man (or woman) can not fall for you, I will never understand.
08. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! God, House's face after Bonnie told him that Wilson really only did take her out as a friend on their first "dates", and that he was so endearing that she jumped him. LMFAO House, darling... Cuddy is yours. Don't fret so much. Just fucking JUMP HER ALREADY!!
House: "Did you just compare Wilson to a tampon?"
09. HAHAHAHAHA! Okay, I loved Cuddy and Wilson's "date" or whatever. Haha, when they were looking at that last painting/picture/whatever they were looking at.
Cuddy: *looking at the picture* "That's such a bad idea. There's no way that won't cause damage to the large intestant."
Wilson: "Are you keeping us here to torture me?" *looks at picture* "Is that a bicycle pump?"
Cuddy: "That's what I'm saying!"
10. Okay again, I'm really not worried about those two at all right now, I'm just so damn amused when it comes to House's jealosy and his "worry" that Cuddy will fall for him (Wilson, that is). I mean, first his face after the above stuff, and then his face when Bonnie told him how fantastic Wilson was in bed and how he really knew how to please a woman. LMFAO
Suffice to say, this episode had way too little Cuddy for me, but... I still enjoyed it. And after the Cuddy heavy eps we had up until last week, I'm not that surprised we've seen a little less of her these weeks. I do hope this means good things for the final eps, though. *crosses fingers, legs, arms, toes and anything else crossable*
WATCH WITH KRISTIN" SPOILERS OR WHATEVER!!! Okay, that just makes me so incredibly happy. Not that I trust anything that comes out of Shore's mouth, but LKFJASDLKJALSD. PLEASE, STICK WITH THIS PLAN!!! AND WELCOME TO THE DARK SIDE!! *giggles madly*
And Lisa? I just LOVE you so much for your character insight. You just... know her. I love you. LOL "He's horrible to deal with, but he's worth it. He's worth every second." Damn right. ♥ ♥ ♥
Time to get me some dinner, watch "American Idol" and hopefully do some proper fl-ing before I go to bed. (Which needs to be at a decent time tonight. I can't take any more of these "getting way too little sleep" nights in a row. *yawns*)
God, I love this ship show ship. *le sigh*