heehee, cracks me up everytime....
this weekend sucked!! got food poisioning.....again....from chickfila...again!!!! u'd think i would learn but no.
i have a chem test on wed. i really need to get a good grade on it..why the hell am i retaking shit and doing worse the 2nd go round?! only me.
brett.....the latest...its really true that history repeats itself. i love him and can't freaken stand him at the same time. lately, like either he'll call or i'll call him but he will only talk for like 2 seconds and always has to be the first to get off the phone. how old are we? i mean i ....i can't believe i'm saying this....i do want to be with him *shrieking* but it WILL NEVER EVER EVER work and i need to realize that. i think also i tell myself it won't work so that i have no other choice but to believe it. i dunno what to do. i'm exhausted.