OK, this is kinda cool. :)
brainofck linked to it in her journal and I wandered over to try it out. You paste the text of a story (or whatever) into this thing and it uses an algorithm to try to determine whether the writer was male or female. And of course half the fun for a slash writer is trying to convince it you're male. ;)
Frenzy: MALE -- Female Score: 1313 / Male Score: 1448
Soap: MALE -- Female Score: 236 / Male Score: 338
Heat: FEMALE -- Female Score: 1017 /Male Score: 918
Bass-Ackwards: MALE -- Female Score: 1703 / Male Score: 2190
(Hah! And it was TWO women who wrote it! [beam])
Troubled Waters: FEMALE -- Female Score: 3419 /Male Score: 3540
Falling Free: FEMALE -- Female Score: 3748 / Male Score: 3228
When Stealth Fails: FEMALE -- Female Score: 4438 / Male Score: 4299
I'm not even testing my others because I'm pretty sure they'll come out female. [grin] I only ran the ones I thought had a shot at passing for male through and I did pretty well; even the ones that came out female were usually pretty close. It's interesting to look at the table of words they count and see which side a word is on and how it's weighted. Some of them have me going, "Merf?" but hey, I'm not a linguist so who knows? It's a fun toy anyway.
It's pretty interesting -- give it a shot here:
The Gender Genie