(no subject)

Nov 28, 2004 21:36

Hey everyone!.... well if any of you have parents who smoke ( like me ) you should print this shyt out and show them. i showed my dad, and he's trying really hard to quit smoking after...around..35years of it..

As soon as you sniff out that last cigarette,your body will begin a series of physical changes

Within (20 ) Twenty Minutes:Blood pressure, body temperature and pulse rate will drop to normal.

Within (8) Eight Hours: Smoker's Breath disappears. The Carbon Monoxide level in blood drops, and the ozygen level rises to normal.

Within ( 24 ) Twenty Four Hours: Chances of a Heart Attack decreases.

Within ( 48 ) Forty Eight Hourd: Nerve endings start to regroup. Ability to taste and smell improves.

Within ( 3 ) Three Days Breathing is easier.

Within ( 2 ) Two To ( 3 ) Three Months: Circulation improves. Walking becomes easier: Lung Capacity increases up to ( 30 ) Thirty percent,

Within ( 1 ) One to ( 9 ) Nine months: Sinus congestion and shortness of breath decreases,Cilia that sweep debris from your lungs grow back. Energy Increases.

Within ( 1) One year: Excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a person who smokes

Within ( 2 ) Two years: Heart Attack risk drops to normal

Within ( 5 ) Five years: Lung cancer death rate for average former " Pack-A-Day " smoker decreases by almost half. Stroke risk is reduced, Risk if Mouth, Throat and Esophageal cancer is half that of asmoker.

Within ( 10 ) Ten Years: Lung Cancer death rate is similar to that of a person who does not smoke. The Precancerous cells are replaced.

Within ( 15 ) Fifteen: Risk of Coronary Heart Desease is the same as a person who has never smoked.
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