Comb hair, bring flowers? Baaaaaaaaalll.

Mar 07, 2008 06:00

First off, I love this icon. Cleo is a genius, and hilarious beyond measure.

Steve-O got arrested. That was interesting. That guy has serious issues, and I find that extremely ahhhsum. Yes.

So, was going to Spring Lake this weekend. Got Mom to agree to go. [I think she secretly wants a little vacation, too] We were going to start packing, and she called Marilyn to see if she could stay there, but... Marilyn has the flu. Nowhere for Mommy to stay, therefore no trip. I don't think I have looked forward to this trip as much as I was looking forward to it this time. Julio has been down lately, and perhaps a little hump-hump would make him feel better. Alas... Oh well. It'll have to wait.

Sat down yesterday and actually started writing. I don't think I'm completely satisfied with how it turned out, though it isn't anywhere near half-way finished. I think I'm overly critical. Or maybe it just sucks. I don't know. As exciting as starting something like that is, I wonder when I'll actually get around to finishing it. The most likely situation will be me letting it sit so long that I lose my train of thought with it, and it'll just die. I hate that I let myself do that, but it's like a disease.


We're watching the movie 1984 in class. Started it Wednesday, and didn't go to class yesterday because something started hurting in my back, keeping me from walking without a limp. -_x Sucked. And now, I don't think I want to go just to watch that movie again. So I highly doubt I'll be going to class today. I am so sick of Orwell. I still have two book tests to make up, and I'm going to have to see if I can watch the movie during her office hours or something. Though I don't see why I need to make it up. There's really no reason why we're watching it, other than for Textual Analysis purposes, or something along those lines.

I hate college.

Not too long until Spring Break. Don't look forward to reaching me online during the break. You know where I'll be.

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