y = yes
n = no
m = maybe
x = already have done
? = decline to answer/not sure
would you...
( ) go sky diving with me?
( ) give me your number?
( ) let me draw on your face?
( ) lie for me?
( ) serenade me in the middle of the night while it's raining?
( ) watch a movie with me... even a really sappy one?
( ) let me take you out to dinner?
( ) drive me somewhere
Read more... )
(y) give me your number? - Like youd even want it...
(X) let me draw on your face? - seminar... well, not on the face, but close enough
(y) lie for me? - sure... I love fibbing
(n) serenade me in the middle of the night while it's raining? - sorry, not for you
(n) watch a movie with me... even a really sappy one? - no... I hate movies (hehe)
(y) let me take you out to dinner? - again, like youd wanna...
(y) drive me somewhere/anywhere?
(y) save me from suicidal clowns? - on second thought... no... id letum get you. but. lets analize that question. YOu would never need to be saved from suicidal clowns... they woulndt hurt you, only themsleves... so thats a bad question in the first place... hehe
(y) be my imaginary friend?
(?) have a fling with me?
(y) listen to me if i called you, crying, even if you were out with all of your friends?
(y) buy me a drink if i didn't have money?
(?) take me home for the night?
(m) let me sleep in your bed? - as long as im not in the bed...
(y) sing car karaoke with me? - with or without you, ill do it
(m) sit in the doctor's office with me because i didn't want to go alone?
(y) re-post this for me to answer your questions?
(y) come and pick me up at 3:00am because my car ran out of petrol in the middle of nowhere?
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