Jul 27, 2004 22:35
July 19, 2004 - The New York Post reports Angelina Jolie sleeps on planes with her arms crossed and looks "like a corpse," according to a tipster in first class.
I'm sorry but nothing I can say can top that.
They say no breakup, or de-coupling; I like that word better I'm going to start using it instead, is mutual but I've always enjoyed looking for the holy grail. Ok, that turned out just as lame as I was hoping it would. I love him so much. He's been everything to me countless of times, he's been my lover and my husband and my father and my best friend and before you start throwing up, allow me to explain. He's the one person who tells me I'm good enough when I feel like crawling under a rock and die, and he means it. I'm dependant on him and I'm not the least bit ashamed to say it. This isn't going to be some grand tribute because, you know, fuck that but my point is we're not separating, just... de-coupling. I heard he's dating Kate Moss now, again, and I'm 2/3 happy for him because I know he really likes her and 1/3 jealous because I have to be because he's mine. Great, and now that I started thinking about it I'm a little more jealous. It's like every time we get together we think it's going to last forever and then we get bored. And bored isn't even the right word. I'm not rewinding and erasing here, I'm just typing so humor me a little. All I know is I started resenting him for... for being this great guy who really loves me. So while everything looked perfect on the outside I told him that I couldn't keep this up any more and he agreed, and that hurt I guess but at least I wasn't the only one crazy enough to want to ruin a good thing. I love him but we're slipping. The friendship we have now is built on an idea of a perfect friendship and it's not even skin deep. I'm like this joke to him now. "Oh Angie, she's crazy but I love her". That goes for a lot of people in my life, actually. I'm cute enough to keep around for a laugh and then something real arise and suddenly everyone is working overtime so that I may remain in my perfect, little glasshouse and can continue to amuse them when called for. So that's about it, I guess.
Well, that was depressing. Luckily for me I'm going out with Michelle on Friday and we're going to see The Village and no one can come. Should I put that in caps? I mean it, though. I am so, so excited about this movie and I don't really understand why. I bet I'm going to be so disappointed but as for now the whole idea of it is enough. Creepy woods and a forbidden color and just sagfujasgfa it makes me want to sit down and write screenplays now now now. And I guess if you can make people want that and they haven't even seen the movie yet, your job is done. And I'm excited about finally getting Michelle all to myself AND YOU CANNOT COME.
I want to mention Vinnie too because he is pretty fabulous and I don't think I've told him enough. Some day I'm going to read his journal from beginning to end and start updating as brutally honest and clever as he does but for now this is all you get.