Apr 15, 2004 21:32
inner me not my outter me :D :
German Shepherd
No bones, about it, you're a loyal, hard-working German Shepherd. Dedicated and always low-maintenance, people flock to you - they know they can count on you to get any job done, and done well. That focus and attention to detail spans from your personal to your professional life, too. Although you can be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to the projects you tackle, you still manage to keep cool and laid-back in social situations. You get a kick out of the little things and thrive when you're constantly busy and on-the-go. Easygoing and unpretentious, you don't need constant pampering and reassurance. A genuine, carefree pup, you're a true-blue friend, employee, and partner. Woof!
Wahahaha i'm mysterious wahahahaha:
Tight Lips
Do you tend to play it safe? Hedge your bets? Keep a stiff upper lip when it comes to sensitive matters? Nothing wrong with that - don't your friends tend to confide in you more than others? You're honest and trustworthy, and you logically think things out in order to come to a rational, smart conclusion.
Your mouth doesn't get you into trouble too much, and you can be choosy when it comes to when, where, and with whom you open up. There's a simple elegance to your quiet ways that allows you to stay in control of situations and, in the end, hold all of the right cards. After all, a little mystery makes everything more interesting
elisis, you're a Type 1 - The Idealist
Friends, family, and colleagues probably appreciate you for both your high standards and commitment to excellence. They're also apt to know that when they come to you with a problem, they can trust you to be fair and objective. As an Idealist, you're likely to be seen as a wise and balanced person with strong integrity.
Being a member of this type puts you in good company. Jane Fonda with her knack for athletic ideals and commitment to standing up for just causes, and Ralph Nadar, with his idealistic determination as a consumer advocate, are also Type 1s.
This means that compared to the eight other Enneagram types, you have a strong sense of what's right and wrong. In fact, you're someone who is typically committed to doing the right thing and making sure you're as good a person as you can be - no matter what situation arises.