(no subject)

Sep 06, 2011 17:59

hey everyone just a quick update to let you all know I'm still alive.
I'm starting university tomorrow so I'm not sure if I have lots of time left for LiveJournal.
I don't want to quit though, so I'll start by doing a friendcut soon.
The people that never bothered to reply back at my posts are the first ones to go. (I added a few people on add_me who said they always comment back but they haven't, and I'm sorry I'm not wasting my energy on those anymore.)
ofcourse all the lovelies and interesting are all staying <3
just a heads up and maybe I'll make a proper update soon!


EDIT: apparantly I made almost the exact same post a few days ago, but no one replied. so there you have it :D. I don't think i will bother too much with my lj and just use it for communities and the occasional interesting person.
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