(no subject)

Jun 22, 2011 17:30

Hi everyone! I am back - sort of. I've decided what to do! First off, I've started a blog! Will you all please follow me? You can do it via bloglovin', and/or just comment every once in a while!

This is how I describe my blog: if you like to read an average girl’s blog about her style, her inspirations, her creative outbursts, and her life - feel free to follow me!

I am definitely keeping this journal though. I can vent in it and share things with you I don't want to share on my blog. And ofcourse to keep reminding you to read my blog, hehe. Also, thanks for all the support in my last entry - I feel much better right now.

Friday I'm leaving for Dublin for a few days. Afterwards, I'm back from my 'semi hiatus.' I WILL SPAM YOU WITH MY BLOG ADVERTS BUT ALSO MY RANTING AND ALSO FUN STUFF.



shut up i will wear pink underwear, read my blog bitches, angie? you're kinda weird, sunshine optimism & also angels, squeeee!

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