(no subject)

Mar 23, 2013 19:48

Found out yesterday that my uncle could have moved out 5 months ago but my mum said no and took him off the community housing list. She's so stupid. And now everyone's mad at her but she's in Morocco.

I've had a busy week this week. On Tuesday I had a media SAC on Wednesday I had TAFE on Thursday I had a Food SAC and a business management SAC and today my media SAT is due. And people say year 12 is time consuming pfffft. Not at all!
And I still haven't found out what I got on that English SAC a few weeks ago. The teacher still haven't mediated them but the teacher said we would get them back before the terms up which is in two weeks. After the holidays we just have to come back for a few weeks of revision and then exams and then I'll be done with high school. Forever.
It's kind of surreal. I'm excited and terrified at the same time. I'm excited to be out and be able to do what I want. I'm excited for the summer holidays - they're the first ones in years that we haven't had copious amounts of holiday homework. But I'm terrified of the uncertainty. I feel safe here because I don't have to worry about anything. Everything is set in stone but next year I'll have a lot more responsibility and freedom. I'm going to have to learn quickly how to manage the two. I also have to start applying for courses but there's only one I want to do and I'm scared I won't get in. I'm having money troubles too. I feel like its not normal for a 17 year old to have money troubles. I'm saving up for a car for when I turn 18. I know I have months but I have other expenses too. And while mums in Morocco she's making us pay the bills. Cause she's a poo face.
I still suck at guitar but not as much as I use too. I'll get there eventually.

- A

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