Nov 08, 2006 16:43
As many of you already know, I work for an Employee Assistance Program in a hospital. As such, we occasionally have people who have to be off work for dependency issues (read as alcohol and substance use), mental health issues, or physical issues. We help to facilitate their return to work.
I just placed the 10th call of the day to this woman's doctor's office, asking them politely to fax over a letter stating that she can, indeed, return to work. Because, unfortunately, verbal confirmation doesn't cut it any more.
The next to last time I called, the woman who answered was all, "You're harrassing us!!" I'm like, "No, I'm trying to get this letter so this patient can return to work, and we were supposed to have it yesterday, please pass this information along."
This last time I called? Voicemail.
Now, when I call places, it comes up generically, but will say from where I'm calling - sort of. So...if you're answering the phone, you would know who was calling.
The problem? I leave in exactly 3 minutes, at which time I would not be able to get this faxed information to the supervisor of the woman who thinks she can come to work tonight because her doctor's office /said/ she could.
This is beyond frustrating! Puts a lot of people in a bind and will make this woman mad because of the hold-up...which is her dr's fault.
GRR! Whatever became of the, "Oh, we're sorry, let us fix it" that used to show good customer service? Am I the only one who actually does that anymore?
customer service,