The previous post got me all paranoid. That's all. x_x;;
Finally decided on a seminar presentation topic, thanks to Cha Sing. Still miss her somewhat---and then I sort of became a loner (and my classmates' teasing target) in class, haha. Not that I mind, really---it reminds me of the exact same situation back during my days in Scouts. I do have my peers, but I seem to hang around more with the juniors (the ones my sis's age or younger), otherwise I would just stand there and do nothing. Yup, that's me. I just have both "outgoing" and "not-outgoing" parts in me. Not like I won't get along with anybody.
In other news, I need coaching in Physics badly. X( I missed a whole chapter when I went back home last week. I just realized that there's Chem lab tomorrow, darn. o_o;; I was caught up with trying to understand the lecture that I missed. I was going to get 1-on-1 consultation with Mr. Tai too, bleh. Maybe after lab.
My manga is finally up ->
Project Creation. I just hope I don't tone faster than I ink. Then again, I ink more than I tone. X( That's just the manga page for my site,
MULTIPLY, which is not completely up yet. The site's focusing on the Wesmin Academy series thing, included
pompi too because she's my awesome collaber for Project Elimination. X) If only I can get the building refs done...
I desperately need a LONG break.