Aug 10, 2010 21:10
I spent $6 on a helpline call yesterday evening and this morning MY INTERNET HAS REVIVED. Not sure whether it's be coincidence or not, but what the heck, I'm free to surf again.
My goal for this semester: do as much things as I can when the opportunity comes. For I may not have the chance again in the future.
So today, there was a Student-Staff Gathering cum Mentor-Mentee Closure Program at noon with free lunch. It was held in the staff lounge, and naturally, I went, just because it's the last time I'll get to go to one. Were sitting around waiting for it to start when Prof Chris came in, and he went straight for me. Possibly because he knew no other students better, but I was the first one he spoke to, even for two minutes. Couldn't wipe off my grin afterward. He gave a speech, and then we had a pretty good lunch.
After that, Mr Loke asked if I wanted to tag along on a field trip to the butterfly park with him, Dr Simon and some coursemates. Of course I said yes - besides, the other coursemates were the Australian exchange students. Not that I got to talk to them, really. Only the one with Einstein-like frizzy hair talked a bit. Anyway, left at 2pm in the school van, which was really luxurious in my op. We had to pay our own admission fee, stingy lecturers. They were working on image processing for butterflies, so they were filming and taking photos while I helped bothering the bugs. A particularly big one bomb-dived into my head, which was scary. Learned that butterflies like jackfruits and pineapples though. Saw a bug museum after that, with the hugest live millipede I've ever seen - longer than the length of two fingers and fatter than my thumb, which is REALLY scary. How the hell is there such thing. Then we popped into the souvenir shop, got ice creams and drinks, then got back at school around 4:30pm. It was fun, glad I went.
I saw banners outside Sunway Lagoon about bungee jumping - DO WANT. Just for the experience. Who likes to go with me?
In other news, finished last few Ouran chapter updates recently - THEY'RE FINALLY TOGETHERRR and yes, I'm going shoujo over it. Never been over an official pairing so much. Found some special chapters too, especially where Yasuchika did everything to see Mori-senpai's new bird. It's just so cute. Why is Hatori-sensei so good at cute stuffs.