Dec 17, 2006 12:44
I never realized how nice power was until i didn have it for three days! 2 trees came crashing down one blocking me into my apt via the cars thank god it missed them. and in the back on missed just barely hitting our building they were pretty gnarly lookin. Went to the Harmon had some good food and stole a little beer taster glass. Missed out on going to Seattle mostly due to tiredness. Got guilted into to going over to dave and sweeneys house and played board games mixed with alcohol. I did not drink but everyone thought i was I had a very little bit. My drink consisted of a grapefuit soda and tipping a vodka bottle into it with the lid on. no one seemed to notice. Sweeney and I have the same birthday within hours and way more in common than i would hae expected its almost creepy down to we have driven the same type of cars, wear the same types of clothes I swear she is thestraight vs of me its odd. We even are both dating red headed irish people and both do not like red heads. I guess i am kiling time till I go shooting I have managed to make friends with several police officers and now get to go do fun stuff. I am still toying with the idea of joining, Need to work on the jiggly ness more before i can pass the physical. SO yeah happy holidays and crap I now am off to sodomize an angel with a christmas tree.