(no subject)

Sep 11, 2006 22:53

I must have been looking oddly approachable today. It was really annoying. This guy asked me for a cigarrette which was fine. I gave him one. Then he sits down next to me. Uh huh. There's your first mistake buddy. It's ten in the morning and I've just woken up and all I need is to talk about the shitty nl weather with some loser newbie first year.

Cause really, I'm going to go a long way here and assume that the weather here has been at least as shitty since the beginning of time and I wish people would fucking stop talking about it. It's been shitty for my 23 year and I'm assuming even when God willing I get the fuck out of here and don't have to endure it any longer it will still be fucking shitty.

And newbie's got this really squeaky voice. I just up and left. I know that was incredibly rude but I find incredibly intrusive and presumtuous to just sit next to someone and start talking to them. And since when do I look approachable? I know for a fact that when I am not smiling I look about ready to kill someone. I have been told on numerous occaisions that I look upset/angry when I am totally fine, just not smiling.

I think this stems from all the losers who have the fucking nerve to ask me out at work. It's called dude, I am getting paid to be nice to you. I wouldn't normally talk to you but seen as how it's my job and all...Lunch is out of the question. And they are losers. Like you wouldn't believe. The d&d creeps who got some lame-o IT certificate and wound up at convergys, a call centre that would hire chimps, were they capable of vocal communication.

See I've come to accept over the years that no, I am not the hottest piece of ass in the East end. But it's the same as me asking out Jonny Depp. I wouldn't cause he is fucking way out of my league. I these losers obviously do not think I am out of their league, which puts me in their league which makes me want to go bathe in a bathtub full of chickens dying of bird flu.

ok so I looked up LOSERS on google images and this is what happened:

this is what I'm destined to share my life with. which is why I've just right now decided to say fuck it and get really really fat. If I'm not attracted to him then he can't be attracted to me. Wouldn't be fair.
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