{113} Something Special [ReitaxRuki]

Oct 26, 2008 17:40

Title: Something Special
Chapter: 1/1
Author: Angie (angie_valo)
Pairing: ReitaxRuki
Raiting: PG-13
Genre: maybe fluffly? and mention of smut
Summary: Ruki in hot pink short shorts with one of the bassist own T-shirts.
Disclaimer: I wish i could own them -...- but unfortuantly i don't .___. written for 15tokyo_nights challenge and also for audio_ri0t b-day. Enjoy your present nee-chan
Set 3. Promt #5 - A piece of chocolate cake


Reita sighed as he entered to the appartment that he shared with his lover. It had been a long and tired day at the studio; he just wanted to lay next his petit lover in the bed or in the couch and watch a movie. He removed his shoes slowly tossing them to a side with the rest of the things that he had taken out of his body, as he begun to walk towards the living room hoping to find him. While he was getting near the living room, he started to sense a not so regular smell, the smell of a cake. A little smirk formed in his face, if Ruki made a cake that would only mean one thing; Ruki in hot pink short shorts with one of the bassist own T-shirts.

Reita hurried his pace wanting to find his lover as soon as possible, the first place in which he looked at was the kitchen; it was flawless and shiny, like if it hadn’t been used that day. Despite that fact, Reita’s smile grew wider in realization as he noticed a cake in the center of the table; the bassist got closer to the cake seeing that it was a chocolate cake, but not just any regular chocolate cake, this one was covered in the top with a thick layer of caramel and some Kit Kats bites.

Reita’s mind started working a thousand miles per hour; what he though before was now a fact. His tiredness vanquished quickly as he moved to the living room, without forgetting to take some mini Kit Kats from the fridge with him, pretty sure that his Ruki was there, he was certain that he would be having an exciting night . As he was getting closer, the blond bassist fought his urges to call out his boyfriends name, he wanted to surprise him; but his desires to surprise him were forgotten when he heard his voice.

“Rei, you came early” Ruki said coming out of their bedroom with his cheeks slightly blushing and his now blond hair a bit messy. Reita watched at his boyfriend steadily as Ruki walked towards where the bassist was; swinging his hips slowly, making the taller man to go wild in desire. Once that he got closer to the older man, Ruki positioned his hands on Reita’s shoulder, as he gave him a kiss; Reita smirked as he placed one of his arms around Ruki’s small frame, bringing him closer to his body. After a few seconds Ruki broke the kiss and placed his hands softly in the other man chest.

“You made a chocolate cake” Reita said with eyes almost full of lust as he watched Ruki’s image, with those tempting plush and pink lips adorning his already gorgeous face. Ruki’s half open lips closed in to a little grin as he moved his hand to caress one of Reita’s cheeks.

“I felt like I should do something nice” Ruki said sticking out his tongue a bit for moisten his lips. Reita smirked devilish as he moved his free hand to his pocket to take out one of the Kit Kats bars; he opened it hardly with his teeth to then eat half of it, giving the remaining half to Ruki; as Reita placed the half of the bar through Ruki’s plush lips, his lover tongue started to lick the bassist fingers, making the other to groan and started getting aroused.

Reita removed his fingers from Ruki’s mouth as he moved his hands to the little vocalist butt in order to raise him from the floor. Ruki smiled devilish as he gripped his legs around the Reita’s hips, making his arousal to touch with the bassist crotch. A deep moan escaped from the taller man mouth at the action.

“You little horny whore” Reita said with a husky voice while he started to walk slowly and carefully to their bedroom , Ruki just smiled as he placed his hands behind Reita’s neck, and starting to lick a side of the bassist neck  creating a path towards his ear “but you love me like this, don’t you?” Ruki said in a deep husky voice to the bite softly Reita’s earlobe.  Reita could only smile at what the little blond had said; in the end it was true, he loved Ruki like that a lot. Once that they were in front of the door, Reita started to open the door with a bit of difficulties, since Ruki was still giving some attention to his neck, making it harder for him to focus on opening the door; but after dealing with it for some moments, he could open it successfully. A smile started to appear in his face. Tonight was going to be a very fun and exciting night, and no tiredness or stress from his time in the studio would change it.
Author Note:
Hope you like your b-day gift RuRu, i work a lot on thinking how i would write it <3 and i swear to Saga&Wataru underwear God that when i started writting this, Ruki wasn't going to be that slutty -...-

fanfic, reituki

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