We <3 our cats, but four is too many for our space and they don't love each other. We're thinking about letting Isabelle go to a new home for her own good. The others all start stuff with her occasionally (Tempest most often), and she has started getting sick.. then Tempest keeps at her when she is. It seems like letting her go somewhere where she wouldn't have him to deal with and she got more regular people attention is the kindest thing to do for her. I've cried about it multiple times since we decided it though.
I also need to find a home for smudge our rescued kitty, who we brought in the day before Thanksgiving skrawny, covered with fleas, earmite and a tick, with worms and an open wound. Now he is pest free and a little fat. He is about a year and a half and the funniest/most playful of all of our cats. He also talks some.
Anyone want a cat? We have a possible home for Isa but none for smudge yet.