Life in the slow lane!!!

Jun 26, 2007 02:22

It's really strange how life doesn't turn out how you expect it to!!

When I was a teenager I expected to be married with kids in my early twenties and I'd be a happy and content wife and mother. As it turns out I'm now 31 years old, live alone (which I must admit I do love!!!) and have only had a handful of serious relationships. This in itself does not concern me at all but I have found over the last couple of years that as my friends have settled down and got married and/or had children, life has started to slow down!!!

I miss the wild nights out, the ridiculous alcohol consumption and the waking up fully dressed on someone's settee on a sunday morning after about two hours sleep but mostly I just miss spending time with my friends.

When I was at school I had quite a lot of friends. I had my best friends but I also had a large circle of friends who I used to hang around with too. As I got older the amount of friends I had extended when I got my part time job (in Woolies) and obviously with more money in my pocket I could do a lot more sociallising too.

As many people do, I gradually lost touch (except for the odd text or phonecall) with my friends from school, and met a group of people that I loved and adored like family. We spent all our time together and really were the best of friends. But over the years as we've met other people, been in relationships, got married, got divorced and had kids, we really dont see very much of each other.

I know that this is simply the 'natural order' but I do sometimes miss those madcap times when we wouldn't sleep all weekend, drink copius amounts of alcohol and still manage to get up for work on monday morning!!!


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