Jan 18, 2008 10:41
She desperatly needs a break
From being so damn fake
Always pretending she's fine
Everyone always ignores the signs
She's far from alright
Nobody cares to notice her pathetic plight
Sad, angry, miserable && alone
Nobody even bothers to call her phone
Nobody ever noticed anything was wrong
They won't notice till she's long gone
She's never going home
Convinced she's fine to roam
No one to keep her company but her imaginary friend
She pretends he cares, pretends he's real, pretends he's not pretend
Its the only way she allows herself to feel
Wrapped in his imaginary arms, her soul might begin to heal.
She might let herself feel the pain, might let herself cry
Open up and scream at the heavens "WHY?!"
Why did no one ever notice, ever care?
All her "friends" busy with their own affairs
So absorbed in their lovers touch
Never noticed that for her life was becoming too much
Feeling so lonely
Wishing if only
Some great love would come her way...
Waking from her happy dream to find another lonely day
Another day of crippling lonliness
&& all consuming emptiness
Drowning in her tears
Wrapped in her fears
The light drives away her pretend love
No pity from the harsh sun above
Destined to walk the Earth
Without any mirth
Sad and lonely
Wishing "if only."
if only