I just wanted to say, I really enjoyed writing age 17 of Pepa and Silvia. I felt the stories were flowing out of my head. There were so many ideas I wanted to use for age 17 but I realized that I should probably incorporate some of it for age 18, before Sara’s Communion.
Enjoy and Happy Reading! Comments are welcome at the end!
Disclaimer : I do not own these characters or have any affiliation. They are the property of Los Hombres de Paco, Antena3 and Globomedia.
Journal Entries by Pepa and Silvia: Part 5
* Entries may not be day to day but are in chronological order. Ages were invented by the Writer and may not or will not reflect the actual dateline of the TV Series: Los Hombres de Paco.
17 Years Old
What was I thinking? I register myself in all of Silvia’s classes.
How am I going to pass Advance Human Anatomy II or Advance Spanish History?
I can barely stay awake in Art Class!!
What was Pepa thinking?
Umm... Pepa is smart and all but seriously? Advanced Human Anatomy II?
When we were kids she thought the lungs were muscles in your legs because you needed “lung muscles” to create the motion to lunge! Geesh! Pepa was silly as a kid!
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Pepa’s father had a heart attack a couple days ago.
I went to see him with Lola at the hospital the morning after it happened. Paco and his mother were at his bedside and Pepa was asleep on the chair in the corner.
Pepa was with her father when it happened and had taken him to the hospital. She ended up staying the entire night with him.
I kept peering towards Pepa’s sleeping body hoping she would wake up so we could talk. But Lola make me leave with her before she did.
That was a couple days ago.
Last night Papa and I were watching television when Paco, Lola and Sara came over. Paco was in distraught because Pepa had not left her room since they left the hospital.
Pepa hadn’t ate in two days and was refusing to talk to anyone. Paco was desperate to make sure his sister was okay.
That was when Lola demanded Papa to lift his stupid No Pepa Ban and have me try to talk to Pepa.
Papa didn’t see the reason behind it as it was Pepa’s “choice” to starve herself. But Lola said that Pepa needed a friend.
I realized that I didn’t need Papa’s approval. I told him I was going to see Pepa with or without his consent because Pepa needed me.
I rushed to Pepa’s house and pounded on Pepa’s bedroom door, calling her name.
It only took a few seconds for Pepa to open the door and collapse in my arms. She sobbed uncontrollably as she held against me.
I had to bite back my own tears.
The fighting was never going to stop between Mama and Papa. The fights had now become personal. Papa had come home late one evening and Mama was upset. I could hear her yelling at him from my bedroom. Mama was accusing Papa of having an affair. He was yelling back, calling her jealous and insecure. But not once did he deny it.
After a half hour of fighting, Mama said she was going to stay at Paco’s for the night and she wished that she never married Papa.
I heard the door slam. Moments later I heard a loud thud.
When I rushed downstairs I found Papa on the floor....
The next few hours were a blur....
I found myself in Papa’s hospital room holding his hand. He had a heart attack.
Paco and Mama were outside his room and I could hear Mama crying. How could she be crying over the man she wished she never married?
Papa had the attack because of their fight. I could had stopped it too. I could have prevented them from fighting by doing something but I just sat in my room.
Mama stayed at the hospital when Paco took me home. I immediately went to my bedroom, lock it and fell asleep.
I stayed there for the next two days. I refused Paco when he came with food. I refused to leave the bedroom when he asked for me to come out.
I tried to cry but the tears would not come.
Then I hear Silvia’s voice. I thought it was a dream but the pounding on my door was real. Silvia was at my door!
The hell with Don Lorenzo!
I yanked the door open and tumbled into Silvia’s arms. A sense of relief washed over me as I felt her against me.
The tears finally came.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Why does Pepa think violence solves everything? Why does she feel the the need to teach our sobrina, Sara how to properly push a little boy to the ground? Unbelievable!
Pepa and I were babysitting little Sara one afternoon and decided to take her to the playground to play with the other children.
We sat on a bench and watched little Sara enjoy yourself on the swing bars.
Pepa was telling me that the fights at home were gone every since her father’s heart attack but it didn’t mean things were back to normal.
Then we heard little Sara crying our names.
I looked up and little Sara was pushed to the ground by a little brunette hair boy. The little boy scurried off as Pepa and I ran for Sara’s side.
Pepa started after the little boy but I called her to stop. Pepa should know to not pick on little boys!!
I pulled Sara to my lap and listen to her story of the little boy named Aitor who was teasing her because she had came with her two lesbian mothers. Sara told him we were her aunts but he continue to tease her until she cried for us. That was when the brat Aitor push her to the ground.
Before I could say anything, Pepa chimed in that Sara should have pushed him first. She pulled Sara off my lap and began TEACHING her how to properly surprise someone with a push!
ARGG!! I stopped Pepa and scowled her! This was no way to teach a little girl! How was Sara going to date boys if she acted like one?
Then Lucas appeared and Sara immediately jumped into his arms. Sara and Lucas always seemed to have a good bond.
When Lucas asked what was wrong, I told him what Pepa was teaching Sara and he AGREED with me!!
He told Sara that he would be her hero and beat up little Aitor the next time he sees him.
Now that is done and over with... what the hell was the little boy talking about? How could he mistaken Pepa and I as lesbians??
Boys are not the only ones who can rescue damsels in distress. A girl can throw a punch just as strong as a boy. Hell, girls can even kiss just the same or better than a boy.
So I’m a firm believer that a girl should stand up and protect herself!
I was just teaching the basics to protecting yourself to little Sara when that rotten little Aitor started teasing her about her lesbian mothers.
But nooooo!!! Pelirroja had to scowl me with that glare of hers and tell me I’M BEING IRRESPONSIBLE!! How am I being irresponsible for teaching a little girl to act like a boy?
If Pelirroja sees me like a boy why can’t she see me the way I see her? Even that little boy could tell I was in love with Pelirroja!
It didn’t help that Lucas agreed with Silvia.
Bastard! He even said he would protect Sara.
What’s the point??
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
It almost happen...
The final exam to our Advance Human Anatomy II Class was in a couple days.
Pelirroja thought it would be a great idea for us to study together. So a month before the exam we were either studying at Study Hall or at Los Cachis.
Now since the exam was coming soon, Pelirroja wanted more hours of studying so we agreed to meet at her house.
We created little mini exams for each other; then Silvia pulled out sticker labels with organ names.
Pelirroja thought it would be easier if we placed the labels on each other to better understand where all the organs were located.
It started off childish. Especially seeing the label “BRAIN” plastered on rojo’s forehead.
We were giggling so loud that Don Lorenzo was screaming for us to quiet down.
When I had the “HEART” label, I placed it on Silvia’s chest. That was when she bursted out laughing.
She said the heart was on the left side and pulled the labelled off to place it on the left side of MY chest.
She was so close to me that I was inches away of burying my nose in her hair. It didn’t help that her fingertips lingered on my chest as we were both looking at the HEART label.
That moment our eyes locked at each other and I saw her lips part.
There was a sense of confusion in her eyes but also a need.
I inched closer to find that she didn’t move away... that was a good sign. In fact, she moved her hands to cup my face.
Somehow I heard myself whisper her name and I moved closer.
But Don Lorenzo bursted into her room and we jumped away from each other.
He was telling us to quiet down but then decided to send me home.
oh no....I almost kissed Pepa tonight.
And I wanted her to.
We had been studying for our Human Anatomy final exam in my bedroom when we started playing a game I invented. We were labeling organs on each other with my sticky labels I made up for this.
Papa kept telling us to stop our ruckus because we couldn’t control our laughter.
But when Pepa stuck the Heart label on the middle of my chest, I had to correct her!!
I just didn’t expect to feel - different - when I correctly put the label on Pepa’s chest.
It could have been the proximity of being with Pepa, or the feel of her heartbeat against my fingertips or the hunger in Pepa’s eyes...
I let out a whoops of air when I watched Pepa lick her lips and I knew I wanted to taste her lips... but why her?
Why was I thinking about Pepa’s kissing me? I could have thought of Lucas or any other boy... But I was thinking about this brunette.
We almost locked lips but she suddenly pulled away from me - just as Papa came in.
He was angry as usual whenever Pepa was around.
Pepa gathered her stuff and went home.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I’ve been avoiding Pelirroja since that ‘night’.
Why? Because she has to know how I feel about her now! She’s probably scared out of her mind!
So I avoided eating lunch with her, sitting next to her in our classes, hell, I won’t even look at her.
One time I caught myself following behind her in the hallways. I was turning every corner she was going, just staring at her ass!
She had suddenly stopped to let a person pass her and I smacked right into her backside.
I didn’t bother to wait for her to turn around as I took off running the opposite direction.
Pepa’s been avoiding me because of that almost kiss.
I just want to talk to her about it but she won’t meet me for lunch or sit near me in class.
What’s even more insulting is that when I find her in the hallways, she purposely takes off in the opposite direction!!
I even looked up the history of lesbianism just so I was prepare to talk to Pepa about my feelings.
Did you know that researchers have predicted lesbianism dates back to the early 776 - 480 BC in Greece?
And the term lesbian is described as a sexual and romantic desire between females... the only thing is, I only have these feelings for Pepa, not all women...
Maybe when Pepa grows up we can handle this like mature adults.
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I was at Study Hall today and Pepa was there too. She was sitting 3 tables across from me... I counted.
She looked up from her books and smiled at me.
I smiled back :)
Silvia looked beautiful today at study hall...
I’m a idiot! :(
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I was at Study Hall again. This time Pepa walked past me and dropped a note on my books.
It read, “I want my friend back. Can we forget what happen and meet for lunch today?”
Could I really forget what ‘almost’ happen?
I was dying from not talking to Silvia for so long!! I decided to make amends on a piece of paper.
Silvia wrote back, “Meet me at our tree. PS... I miss my friend too.”
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Lucas actually graduated! And surprisingly he was accepted into the Police Academy! He always said he wanted to follow in his father’s and Paco’s footsteps.
After the graduation ceremony, Lucas invited Pepa and I to the after party held by one of his friend’s house, Javier.
I will admit, this was my first high school house party I have ever been.
Lucas’ friend Javier was very nice to me when we arrived. He made sure I got the drink I wanted, he showed me around the house and introduced me to a lot of his friends.
Pepa disappeared but I saw her with Lucas and others in a middle of a drinking game.
I kind of wished I was with Pepa and not with Javier.
If I could sever a person’s head off, it would be Javier’s. He is one of Lucas’ buddies and we have hung around a few times.
I didn’t realized that he had a liking for Pelirroja!
When Lucas, Silvia and I arrived to Javier’s graduation party at his house, he immediately glued himself to Silvia’s side.
Javier is a nice guy but does he even know Pelirroja’s name? Like COME ON!!! Does he not know who her father is??
Joder! He was constantly at her side, sometimes he would caress her arm or pull her in an embrace.
He made her smile the entire night. He even made her laugh. LAUGH!!
Once he whispered something in her ear and I thought I saw a twinkle in her eyes. That’s bastard!
So I lost it!!
I went over to Lucas’ group and joined in their drinking game.
Jealousy was never a good color on me.
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Stay tune!! PepSi lost in woods? Silvia’s date with Javier and maybe Sara’s Communion...
I came to a dilemma... would I write a journal entry for Sara’s Communion? I have read tons of fanfics of what writers thought happened during and after the Communion and I really enjoyed them. So it seems redundant for me to come up with something when there are tons out there.
I also don’t know if I want to write journal entries OR write an actual fanfic of the event? However since I LOVE writing journal entries, it will probably turn into a journal. LOL
EDITED!! Thank you to everyone in advance for reading!!!