Jun 01, 2006 08:56
I'm totally against the reservation thing. But sadly (for this countries future?), I'm not too keen on trying to solve the problem. I know my shouts will just fall upon deaf ears. I've seen how this country works, I've seen its citizens, I've seen its law enforcement, I've seen its corruption, I've seen its bureaucracy. The government is hell bent on fscking the country of what dignity it had left.
For a long time, I was brought up with the notion of Brittan being the big bad bulldog. However, My teachers did'nt have enough of a grip on my powers of understanding and before long, I was miles ahead of them. The British, I wish they'd just stayed on in India and turned it into a bigger, better Hong-Kong. :oP Yeah, just kidding, I know that would never have happened, Seeing India for the kind of country that it is, I'd better best put it down to a fit of wishful thinking. lol!
NEhoo.... India is on it's way to the dumps, and as soon as I can drag myself away from its frontiers, I'll just up and leave and never come back. This quota thingy was the last straw. I've seen ridiculous propaganda, I've seen selfish arrogance with the (so called) leaders of this country. Sadly, this time, it was pure lack of mental ability. In the position that they've been elected into, I consider that utterly unforgivable!
This country has never done anything (ANYTHING!!) for me, except for teaching me about the intricacies and levels of corruption and pathetisense (coinage?). I've given up. No kidding!
I used to love this country once. I still love what this country was. But today, I can't believe that I could have ever liked it. Yuck!! My eyes had been shuttered before, but now, they have been opened.
Don't get me wrong. India is a beautiful country. The culture (though out of date) definitely rawks!! It almost kicks @ss. However, with the way things are going, I know that what beauty that still exists/remains, will not last long. We can't live on the laurels of our ancient ancestors any more.
One person can't shake the country. People go on and on about Gandhi and his awesomeness. What of it? I say! If he had'nt gone on and on about Ahimsa and stuff, We'd still have a powerful country. We'd still have intellectual survival. Gandhi did what most radical leaders did. They took an unconventional concept, and then boggled the mindless among our population. India was already on the downhill ride by then, and you can believe me when I say that that population was HUGE!!
Why do the most intelligent Indians choose to leave the country? They hate it. When a second, third or fourth generation NRI becomes something, achieves something on an international level, India goes screaming; "He's Indian!!". But how many of those achievers can you refer to who love to attribute any (ANY) of their achievements to India itself? Some may (after torture) admit that they own their birth to this country. But their achievements, they'd die before they're 'forced' to claim anything of the sort.
There are some who love the joyride, who love the popularity. They are the ONLY ones who admit any relationship with the country.
Note: This is a rant. If you disagree, please feel free to ignore this post. If you agree, you're welcome to comment.
//update to note:The reason I say this, is because I'm not inclined to pursue an argument. I have my thoughts, and you may criticize them. But my morals and general feeling toward the country is beyond contest. Post what you please in comment, but don't expect me to try and battle it out. I could'nt care less whether anyone agrees with me or not.
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