In todays society, Man (proper noun form) has evolved (?) into a hindrance to the progress of his own race....
The dictionary describes Suicide as: "The act of taking ones own life; killing oneself; Ending ones own existence; etc."
Why do people commit suicide anyway? Grrr! Oh well, we'll touch on that later....
The Law (Proper noun form) looks at it as "homicide" on the self. The Law claims that 'al' life is precious. To commit suicide, is therefore illegal. Furthermore, it is a punishable offence under the law (not a proper noun form).
Let's analyze this situation in a psychological context shall we?
People who commit suicide, or those that wish to do so with enough determination as to make it a reality, are those individuals who are 'fed up with life', those who 'are pressed under various mental tensions', who are 'depressed', who basically 'feel that they cannot cope with life as it _is_'!
Consider this too: Darwin, Charles Darwin!
I'm sure most, if not all of you presently reading my journal here, have heard of Darwinian Theory. It dissolves other theories and stands above the rest, in acceptance worldwide, and possibly even universally. In short, it dictates "Survival of the Fittest".
It works like a charm in the animal kingdom, and scientists and thinkers alike, believe this to be integral to the advance in evolution.
In the animal kingdom, brain-power is rather on the lower scale (when compared to humans in any case), so Darwinian theory wraps around physical strength, muscular density, flexibility, nervous responses, bone length and weight, horns, tusks, and other sexual appendages. Humans are mentally judged however. We use our brains to do most of our work, we don't depend as much on brawn as we do on brains.
A mind considers suicide only when it can't handle its own existence. Suicide is humanities way of ridding itself of its flaws. Why go out of our way to reintegrate such ills into our gene pool? Suicide is _not_ an evil! It is merely mother natures way of ridding our species of its ills.
We should _not_ have a say in 'personal' choice! We should _not_ find ourselves responsible for the regression of humanity....
Suicide is a Personal Choice -- Respect it!
tachys pointed out a technical fault in my post:
"Suicide isn't illegal. Its not mentioned in the Indian Penal Code. However, Attempt to suicide is. (s.309)
An act cannot be illegal if its commission is not punishable."
- Thankyou
tachys, for seeing the literal side of things. I guess no one else noticed this error because I have dumb friends or something. lol! :o)