Well, not much has changed since my last posting, as it happens.
I attended a second Weird Al concert. I celebrated my relationship's tenth (and eleventh) anniversary. Various familial things occurred, none of which I'm going to go into here.
So why do I post now? Because I have a lightsaber. Several, actually. I'm now playing
SW:TOR -- and it is awesome.
Is The Old Republic a WoW-killer? No, I doubt anything external can kill WoW. But it is a great game, visually stunning and fairly innovative. It isn't "World of Warcraft in space" or a retread of the other Star Wars game whose name must not be spoken. It is its own thing, which should be enjoyed (perhaps savored) on its own terms.
Yes, that's what lured me out of my long silent sleep. I am totally geeking out over this.