Procreation Lisence

May 06, 2005 02:48

This is yet another example of why people need lisence's to procreate. i actually know this moron and am sad to say so. although, i will surely never EVER awknowledge his existence again. i apologize for my typos, my fingers are on the frozen side...hard to spell.

dizzez : you wantd me to im u?

cemitariluvesclownz: yea whats up?
dizzez : nothing.

dizzez : u
cemitariluvesclownz: nothing...whats wrong?
dizzez : nothing
cemitariluvesclownz: you sure?
cemitariluvesclownz: i dont see you on aol ne more......we never chat
dizzez : u said u didnt wanna talk
cemitariluvesclownz: yea
cemitariluvesclownz: babe
cemitariluvesclownz: you caught me on abad day
cemitariluvesclownz: i dont date
cemitariluvesclownz: and when i try to and people fuck me over
cemitariluvesclownz: my feelings get hurt
cemitariluvesclownz: and i tend to be bi polar....
cemitariluvesclownz: so sometimes i just cant be conversated with
dizzez : still no need to be all like that to me
dizzez : i never did nothing to u and u snapped on me
dizzez : u said fuck it.. so i left it at that
cemitariluvesclownz: yes dear
cemitariluvesclownz: bad mood
cemitariluvesclownz: bi polar
cemitariluvesclownz: when i dont wan tot talk
cemitariluvesclownz: i dont want to talk
cemitariluvesclownz: it sucks
cemitariluvesclownz: but thats how i deal with shit and i try not to piss people off
cemitariluvesclownz: but,,,,,,
cemitariluvesclownz: sometimes that just doesnt work deos it?
dizzez : dude.. after all that shit u imed me again
dizzez : and i asked why u were acting like that
dizzez : and u said u no what im tired of this fuck it
dizzez : u im me
cemitariluvesclownz: yea
cemitariluvesclownz: and i dont feel like defending myself whenever i get like that
cemitariluvesclownz: hence "fuck it?
cemitariluvesclownz: erm fuck it in qoutes
dizzez : yea but u cant blame everything on bi polar disorder.. i know bi polar people.. i no some serious sick ones.. and they dont jus out of whack act like that.. if they want to be left alone theyll tell me.. ur just not going to flip their wig off nothing i say
cemitariluvesclownz: yea well dea
cemitariluvesclownz: *Daer
cemitariluvesclownz: i do
cemitariluvesclownz: get over it
cemitariluvesclownz: thats how i fucking deal
cemitariluvesclownz: i have anxiety and im bi polar
dizzez : i am over it.. ur the one tryin to still push it
cemitariluvesclownz: thats how i deal with it
cemitariluvesclownz: hellooooo? did you not just write an entire paragrapoh dissertation on bi polar dissorder and how it shouldnt used it as an excuse?
cemitariluvesclownz: 'scuse me for "brinigng it up"
dizzez : wtf? what r u trying to prove? yes i no u have bi polar and you have ur mood swings.. ok.. so what r u tryin to prove
cemitariluvesclownz: omg
cemitariluvesclownz: get over it?
cemitariluvesclownz: it happened?
cemitariluvesclownz: it "was" done
cemitariluvesclownz: but obviously you dwell.
dizzez : well obviously i dont like to be disrespected

cemitariluvesclownz: omg
cemitariluvesclownz: i disrespected you because i didnt feel like talking to you?
cemitariluvesclownz: because iwas in a bad mood?
cemitariluvesclownz: and didnt feel like dealing with it?
cemitariluvesclownz: and when i tried to stop it
cemitariluvesclownz: you got offended?
dizzez : how could u not feel like talking to me when u were the one who innitiated the conversation by im me?

cemitariluvesclownz: sorry i didnt feel like talking to you one day
dizzez : makes no sence
cemitariluvesclownz: oh shit josh
dizzez : wtf u talkin about
cemitariluvesclownz: i dont even remember the fucking conversationg
dizzez : ok.. lets try this again
cemitariluvesclownz: tyr what again?
cemitariluvesclownz: this fight?
cemitariluvesclownz: no thans
cemitariluvesclownz: *thanks even
dizzez : after that whole little tiff about the u think im an asshole acuz im a guy bla bla
cemitariluvesclownz: no,
dizzez : 2 days later u im me again
dizzez : YOU did
cemitariluvesclownz: id rather not deal wit hthis whole fucking fight
cemitariluvesclownz: again
dizzez : and started up again
cemitariluvesclownz: maybe you should learn to leave shit dead and buried
dizzez : haha ur a head trip

cemitariluvesclownz: yea oj
cemitariluvesclownz: *ok
cemitariluvesclownz: well
cemitariluvesclownz: i tried to be nice
cemitariluvesclownz: but josh your just too "hardcore" for me.... im just some dumb bitch who tried to be nice
cemitariluvesclownz: well fuck me
dizzez : wtf u talkin about?
dizzez : you make no sence.
cemitariluvesclownz: your attacking me josh
cemitariluvesclownz: ok
cemitariluvesclownz: your reiterating some fucking conversation that happened a month ago?
cemitariluvesclownz: i fucking wanted you toim me tonight so i could fucking talk to you
cemitariluvesclownz: but you wouldnt leave shit in the ground
cemitariluvesclownz: the fuck you gotta be so hard headed for?
dizzez : because thats the way i was raised.. i give everyone a chance.. i respect everyone until they disrespect me..
cemitariluvesclownz: omfg
cemitariluvesclownz: i was TRYING not to tlak to you that night
dizzez : yes i hold grudges.. but hey thats me.. you like to go off the deep end over nothing.. thats you.. everyones different
cemitariluvesclownz: because iwas in a bad mood
dizzez : ATALL
cemitariluvesclownz: no
cemitariluvesclownz: the other day that we talked
cemitariluvesclownz: i tried to make amends that day too
cemitariluvesclownz: but you wouldnt fucking have it
cemitariluvesclownz: that is why i said fuck it
cemitariluvesclownz: ok?
cemitariluvesclownz: is that wat you wanted to hear?
cemitariluvesclownz: because thats what happened'
dizzez : well wtf.. im not going to just deal with someone snapping on me over nothing
cemitariluvesclownz: sorry im too much of a fucking bitch for you to handle johs
cemitariluvesclownz: *josh
dizzez : ur not a bych... u jus dont need to act like that to me. over nothing
dizzez : u im me
dizzez : with some dumb shit
cemitariluvesclownz: um
dizzez : i asked u a question why u would act like that.. u snap and is like fuck it
cemitariluvesclownz: i dont im people over dumb shit
cemitariluvesclownz: i dont talk to peope i dont like
cemitariluvesclownz: i was trying, key word there trying, to make amends
cemitariluvesclownz: you bring up past shit,........doesnt make amends dear
cemitariluvesclownz: brings up past shit
cemitariluvesclownz: so instead of reitereating shit and repeating myself and explaining myseld
cemitariluvesclownz: *self
cemitariluvesclownz: i said fuck it
dizzez : yea so i hold grudges.. i no i do i always have and i always will thats the way i was raised
cemitariluvesclownz: to hold grudges?
dizzez : and i was raised big on respect
cemitariluvesclownz: you eneed to leave shit in the past
cemitariluvesclownz: great
cemitariluvesclownz: respect is one thing
dizzez : i dont take kindly to people disrespecting me
cemitariluvesclownz: leaave someone out of your life if they disrespect you
cemitariluvesclownz: dont fucking dwell on it and waste your life on them
cemitariluvesclownz: neither do fucking i
dizzez : lol im not
cemitariluvesclownz: thats why i dont give themn the time of day
dizzez : how am i wasting my life on it?
cemitariluvesclownz: obviously you do
dizzez : no i dont
cemitariluvesclownz: wasting life = holding grudges
cemitariluvesclownz: are we 12?
dizzez : i mostly get even and call it a day
cemitariluvesclownz: so we're 14
cemitariluvesclownz: not 12
dizzez : nah 13
dizzez : im a big boy now
cemitariluvesclownz: yea well im 6
cemitariluvesclownz: i like people or i dont
cemitariluvesclownz: if i dont like them, i dont ackwoledge them
cemitariluvesclownz: and ihave fun
dizzez : not i.. we must have been raised differently than
cemitariluvesclownz: what were you beating up kids who stole your gi joe?
cemitariluvesclownz: instead of not playing with them in the first place?
dizzez : nah id give um a chance

dizzez : they steal my gi joe
dizzez : i play nice
dizzez : i go over their house steal their gi joe and their he man
dizzez : than i beat them up
cemitariluvesclownz: so your not trustworthy
cemitariluvesclownz: great "friend"
dizzez : no i am
cemitariluvesclownz: yea
dizzez : but im the type of person that if u fuck me ill fuck u back.. just 2 times worse
dizzez : ive been told many times i can be ur best friend or ur worst enemy
cemitariluvesclownz: let them fuck themselves, karma comes back three fold
cemitariluvesclownz: la di fucking da, im a spiteful bitch too, but i dont always act like it
dizzez : no see u no nothing about me.. when i have a real friend ill do ANYTHING for them.. ive gone to jail for a friend for a year and a half.. over somethintg i had nothing to do with.. just for him
dizzez : ive been stabbed.. for a friend.. jumped multiple times for friends

dizzez : ive lost friends for true friends
cemitariluvesclownz: ok
dizzez : i can be the best friend in the world that does nothing but look out for u.. but if u fuck me ill fuck u worse
cemitariluvesclownz: but you cant get over the fact tha ti was in a bad mood and didnt feel like talking to you?
dizzez : havent u noticed im not talkin about that
dizzez : what bothers me is the next time i talked to u
cemitariluvesclownz: yes
dizzez : u go on the deep end over nothing
dizzez : u im me
dizzez : and u snap
cemitariluvesclownz: jesus fucking christ
cemitariluvesclownz: i didnt im you wiht the intent on snapping
cemitariluvesclownz: ok?
cemitariluvesclownz: get over that
cemitariluvesclownz: i snapped
cemitariluvesclownz: because i was tired of talking to you
cemitariluvesclownz: and i wanted you to shut the fuck up
dizzez : than why the fuck u im me?
cemitariluvesclownz: before i got pissed at you and said shit that id regret
cemitariluvesclownz: omfg
cemitariluvesclownz: to MAKE AMENDS
dizzez : i said one fucking sentence
cemitariluvesclownz: HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES
cemitariluvesclownz: DO I GOTTA FUCKING SAY IT
dizzez : i said how u gonna act liek that and u go off the deep end
cemitariluvesclownz: *breathes*
cemitariluvesclownz: i snapped
cemitariluvesclownz: at you
cemitariluvesclownz: ok
cemitariluvesclownz: because before
cemitariluvesclownz: you snapped at me
cemitariluvesclownz: and then i im you again
cemitariluvesclownz: and you make it seem it was ALL my fault
cemitariluvesclownz: no fucking thanx.'
cemitariluvesclownz: thats why i said fuck it
cemitariluvesclownz: because i was not going to defend myself over a fucking fight that TWO people were a part of
cemitariluvesclownz: and by the way johs
cemitariluvesclownz: *josh
cemitariluvesclownz: i was also not in a favorable mood
cemitariluvesclownz: after i learned
cemitariluvesclownz: about a certain girl you were "talking to"/fucking
cemitariluvesclownz: when , ah....i had thought we were becoming close.
cemitariluvesclownz: yea
cemitariluvesclownz: then i find that out
cemitariluvesclownz: wasnt in a good mood
cemitariluvesclownz: was going to ask you about that
dizzez : lol dude i broke up with her like a week before i even was talkin to u online
cemitariluvesclownz: but then i end up having to defend myself. no thanx
dizzez : maybe u should ask ur girl about that
cemitariluvesclownz: yea
cemitariluvesclownz: she told me you were still talkin to her.
cemitariluvesclownz: and she wasnt fucking you so shes got no territory to defend
dizzez : LOL than shes making shit up.. i told hert last week we werent together and she says "news to me"

dizzez : im sorry if i dont keep current events up with Jen
cemitariluvesclownz: you told her last week you werent together
dizzez : everytime i break up with someone ill be sure to email her right away
cemitariluvesclownz: we had this fight a lot longer than a week ago
dizzez : yea.. never meant that i didnt break up with her longer than that
dizzez : are u readin what im saying?
cemitariluvesclownz: well apparantly ya'll two talked a lot as friends, so if youre spitting game to her best friend, why should she warn me that youve got a girn
cemitariluvesclownz: *Girl
cemitariluvesclownz: right. but if you dont tell her by chance in coversation, she still thinks you got a girl
cemitariluvesclownz: there fore
cemitariluvesclownz: if you spit game to me, and she thinks your still with chick, she does not want me fucking with dude with girlfriend
cemitariluvesclownz: make sense?
dizzez : so..? i neverreally talked to Jen about my relationships.. only thing about girls id tell her about is when a girl tried hookin up or some crazy night
dizzez : wtf do i need to keep an updated journal with Jen for about my personal life?
cemitariluvesclownz: im not saying you do
cemitariluvesclownz: bu the way she made it sound
cemitariluvesclownz: was that ya'll two talked
cemitariluvesclownz: on a friend ship level
cemitariluvesclownz: friends tell each o tehr shit
cemitariluvesclownz: and she was looking out for MY GOOD
cemitariluvesclownz: by tellin me that
dizzez : sher never asked me about the girl
cemitariluvesclownz: she thought you had a girl
dizzez : she could ask me about her couldnt she?
cemitariluvesclownz: thought it was fucked up that you were spitting game to me
dizzez : why didnt she ever ask
cemitariluvesclownz: she said it tome first
dizzez : thats the same as u saying why didnt i ever tell her
dizzez : why didnt she ever ask me?
cemitariluvesclownz: and apparently ya'll two arent exactlyinh chatting it up lately either
cemitariluvesclownz: because your being a dick to her
cemitariluvesclownz: so
cemitariluvesclownz: no
cemitariluvesclownz: shes not going to im you out of the blue and ask you if you got a girl
cemitariluvesclownz: becuase she doesnt feel like being interrogated by you
dizzez : yea and im not going to im her out of the blue to tell her my daily girlfriend report either
cemitariluvesclownz: great um friend ship
cemitariluvesclownz: all she was doing was looking out for my good
cemitariluvesclownz: we have this thing
cemitariluvesclownz: where we really dont trust men
cemitariluvesclownz: and hate females even more
cemitariluvesclownz: so when one of us looks like we're gonna get fucked over
cemitariluvesclownz: we open our mouths
cemitariluvesclownz: ive been fucked over too many times
cemitariluvesclownz: jen was watchign out for me
dizzez : and u say im being a dick to her? shes the one whos been ignoring me and talkin ignorantly to me.. MAYBE u should hear both sides of stories before u start judging

cemitariluvesclownz: i have dear
cemitariluvesclownz: i read the conversations
dizzez : who hasnt been fucked over? its life.. LIKE YOU SAY.. GET OVER IT
cemitariluvesclownz: she doesnt get on in the day times a lot, ive been on a lot reasearching shit
cemitariluvesclownz: i know when shes online and when shes not
cemitariluvesclownz: you probably imed her after she signed off.
cemitariluvesclownz: she signs off by pulling the cord out of the jack
cemitariluvesclownz: it freezes....and then signs off
cemitariluvesclownz: you probably imed her then
cemitariluvesclownz: she didnt get it becase aol signed off
cemitariluvesclownz: not everyone has computers that work
cemitariluvesclownz: its like life? get over it?
cemitariluvesclownz: where did that come from?
cemitariluvesclownz: that was irrelevant
cemitariluvesclownz: ive been hurt before
dizzez : u siad u been fucked over by to many guys
cemitariluvesclownz: shes tired of seeing me hurt
dizzez : well in your famous words.. "get over it"
cemitariluvesclownz: she took it upon her self to tle lme what she did
dizzez : just liek u tell me "get over it"
cemitariluvesclownz: i didnt ask her
cemitariluvesclownz: does he have a girlfriend
cemitariluvesclownz: invesitage this guy for me
dizzez : im not talking about her im talkin about u
dizzez : YOU
dizzez : not her

cemitariluvesclownz: oh what the fuck are you talking about
cemitariluvesclownz: you make no sense
cemitariluvesclownz: you go off about jen
cemitariluvesclownz: and then when i explian your like no im not talking about her
cemitariluvesclownz: the fuck.
cemitariluvesclownz: enlighten me josh
cemitariluvesclownz: i tend to attract asshole guys
cemitariluvesclownz: jen thought, key word thought, you had a girlfriend
cemitariluvesclownz: and felt the need to tell me
cemitariluvesclownz: thats all on her.
cemitariluvesclownz: however
cemitariluvesclownz: that was not why i was being a bitch to you
cemitariluvesclownz: i got stood up
cemitariluvesclownz: happens all the time
cemitariluvesclownz: i was in a bad mood
cemitariluvesclownz: happens all the time
cemitariluvesclownz: was trying to deal with it
cemitariluvesclownz: trying not to talk to you about ot
cemitariluvesclownz: but that didnt work
cemitariluvesclownz: i tried to end the conversation
cemitariluvesclownz: that didnt work
cemitariluvesclownz: you flipped
dizzez : ok than lemme ask u a qeustion

cemitariluvesclownz: i snapped
cemitariluvesclownz: here we fuckign are
cemitariluvesclownz: what
dizzez : if she was lookin out for ur best interest SO MUCH WHY DIDNT SHE COME OUT AND ASK ME IF I WAS STILL WITH THE GIRL

dizzez : she made NO type of attempt

cemitariluvesclownz: dear
cemitariluvesclownz: dont fucking ask me
dizzez : and she could have made it seem nonchalant
cemitariluvesclownz: ask HER
cemitariluvesclownz: shes gotten the impression that you were in ill terms with her
cemitariluvesclownz: so she didnt feel like talking to you
cemitariluvesclownz: and hearing what you had to say
cemitariluvesclownz: maybe thats why
cemitariluvesclownz: i dont fucking know
cemitariluvesclownz: ask her if you want that answer
dizzez : well thats her problem.. from the impression ive gotten from her lately shes been ignorant to me
cemitariluvesclownz: well shes not
dizzez : well than im not
cemitariluvesclownz: dont act so hostile towards people
cemitariluvesclownz: then they wont get that impression
dizzez : i act the way people get me to act

dizzez : she knows my attitude.. if anyoen does she does..
cemitariluvesclownz: well then you know hers
dizzez : ok
cemitariluvesclownz: .
cemitariluvesclownz: feel betteR?
dizzez : ive felt fine all night
cemitariluvesclownz: i imed you tonight to see why the fuck you had me blocked
cemitariluvesclownz: i was so upset the one night i talked to you i dont evne remember the conversatio
dizzez : cuz your girl told me to block u
cemitariluvesclownz: oh yea?
cemitariluvesclownz: whys that
dizzez : cuz i was askin her why ur such a head trip
cemitariluvesclownz: well dear
dizzez : and she said thas the way u act and i was snappin sayin she isnt going to go off the deep end with me is she
dizzez : LEMME TYPE
cemitariluvesclownz: you seem to have your females mixed up
dizzez : and she says not if u block her
dizzez : LOL NO
dizzez : ask her
cemitariluvesclownz: you want
dizzez : so i said ok
cemitariluvesclownz: anwers
cemitariluvesclownz: about jen
cemitariluvesclownz: ask jen
cemitariluvesclownz: you want answers about me
cemitariluvesclownz: ask me
cemitariluvesclownz: you do have your females mixed up dear
dizzez : i do? oh ok
cemitariluvesclownz: youre asking me questions about jen and jen questions about me
dizzez : dude u are such a head trip
cemitariluvesclownz: why is that
cemitariluvesclownz: how do you know all of a sudden that i am?
cemitariluvesclownz: since you were aksing my friends about me
dizzez : actually i got to know u and u seemed like a trip
cemitariluvesclownz: oh yea?
cemitariluvesclownz: whys that?
cemitariluvesclownz: because i showed you my tits on cam
dizzez : i wonder why.. ur snappin over NOTHING
cemitariluvesclownz: becayse you spit me all this game about how the female body
cemitariluvesclownz: or the fact that my girl is watching out for me
dizzez : game? LOL
cemitariluvesclownz: so i listen to her
cemitariluvesclownz: yea
dizzez : i dont spit game
cemitariluvesclownz: GAME
cemitariluvesclownz: yea ok
dizzez : i really dont
cemitariluvesclownz: you dont spit game like i dont dye my hair
dizzez : if i wanted to spit game i woudl be smooth
cemitariluvesclownz: cant do it in perspn
cemitariluvesclownz: *person
dizzez : why not? i have before
cemitariluvesclownz: oh yea?
cemitariluvesclownz: where is she now? no where
cemitariluvesclownz: wasnt very good game
dizzez : where is who?
dizzez : the girl i was with?
cemitariluvesclownz: who ever you spit game too
cemitariluvesclownz: couldnt keep her around
dizzez : maybe................. i didnt want her around.. if i was to "spit game" to someone obviously i woudl jus want to get into her pants than leave her
dizzez : why would i waste my time "spitting game" to someone i want to be with?
cemitariluvesclownz: who did you want to be with?
dizzez : no one..
cemitariluvesclownz: so why get mad when soemone doesnt want to talk to you
dizzez : ok so now why are YOU going back to somethign thats over with
dizzez : maybe i dont like to be ignored.. doesnt mean i was "spitting game" to you.. especially online..
cemitariluvesclownz: because your doing the same damn thing
cemitariluvesclownz: oh ok
cemitariluvesclownz: thats why i was gonna come over blahl blah
cemitariluvesclownz: you wanted to fuck blah blah
cemitariluvesclownz: whip cream cherry. all of it
cemitariluvesclownz: you obviuosly wanted to fuck
dizzez : wow good eye
cemitariluvesclownz: and you dont spit game to keep bitches around
cemitariluvesclownz: so
cemitariluvesclownz: you were spitting game
cemitariluvesclownz: and it was online
dizzez : i wasnt spitting game to u
dizzez : if i wantedto spit game? why A. wopuld i talk about wanting to fuck? haha thats the dumbest thing to do
dizzez : B why would i do it online?
cemitariluvesclownz: then ah, please tell me
cemitariluvesclownz: what the fuck were you doing?
cemitariluvesclownz: because........talking bout sex and all that bullshit
cemitariluvesclownz: thats spitting game
cemitariluvesclownz: you spit game to get laid
dizzez : no its not
cemitariluvesclownz: you were looking to get laid
dizzez : spitting game is acting smooth.. i was being far from smoothe i was being honest
dizzez : spitting game is saying what YOU want to hear.. not what i wanna say
cemitariluvesclownz: wat girl doesnt want to hear that someone whats to fuck her
cemitariluvesclownz: what a great ego trip dont you think?
cemitariluvesclownz: why not with whip cream and cherries
cemitariluvesclownz: kinky as all hell
dizzez : alot of girls suprisingly.
cemitariluvesclownz: yea
cemitariluvesclownz: so why isnt it spitting game?
cemitariluvesclownz: if
cemitariluvesclownz: a lot of girls wnat to hear it
dizzez : in my definition of spitting game it isnt being honest like that
cemitariluvesclownz: its real easy to honestly want to get laid
dizzez : maybe ur just used to guy "spitting game" by saying hey i wanna fuck
cemitariluvesclownz: no
dizzez : but thats not what i ever did when i "spat game"
cemitariluvesclownz: i get the i want to take you out
cemitariluvesclownz: i want to make you happy
cemitariluvesclownz: i just want you to smikle
cemitariluvesclownz: never
cemitariluvesclownz: does a guy come out the cut to me
cemitariluvesclownz: saying
cemitariluvesclownz: hey
cemitariluvesclownz: lets fuck
dizzez : than how u gonna say thats "spitting game" it wasnt it was me being me.. being honest
cemitariluvesclownz: wanting to get laid?
cemitariluvesclownz: yea
cemitariluvesclownz: thats spitting game
cemitariluvesclownz: you
cemitariluvesclownz: wante
cemitariluvesclownz: *wanted
cemitariluvesclownz: to
cemitariluvesclownz: fuck
cemitariluvesclownz: me
cemitariluvesclownz: = game
dizzez : well
dizzez : maybe
dizzez : to
dizzez : me
dizzez : thats
dizzez : not
dizzez : spitting
dizzez : game
dizzez : so
dizzez : u
dizzez : cant
dizzez : say
dizzez : that
dizzez : i
dizzez : was
dizzez : tryin
dizzez : to
dizzez : spit
dizzez : game
dizzez : if
dizzez : i
dizzez : had
dizzez : no
dizzez : intentions
dizzez : to
cemitariluvesclownz: well
cemitariluvesclownz: by the standards of society and if you ask any female you know, spitting game
cemitariluvesclownz: is trying to get laid
cemitariluvesclownz: you
cemitariluvesclownz: were trying to get laid
cemitariluvesclownz: you
cemitariluvesclownz: by the standards
cemitariluvesclownz: were spitting game
dizzez : not by my standards it isnt.. so its not spitting game if i had no intentions to
dizzez : it was me being me
cemitariluvesclownz: did you have intentions of getting laid?
dizzez : so i guess if i say to a random girl.. hey your pretty im spitting game?
cemitariluvesclownz: are you trying to fuck her
dizzez : omg.. look i was not spitting game to u
cemitariluvesclownz: were you trying to fuck me?
dizzez : trying to? no
dizzez : if i had the chance yes
dizzez : try to? no
dizzez : if i want to get sex ill get it.. i dont go out and try to get it
cemitariluvesclownz: soooo all that talk about fucking me
cemitariluvesclownz: was.......what
dizzez : doesnt mean im going to TRY
cemitariluvesclownz: oh
cemitariluvesclownz: josh
dizzez : if i get it i get it if i dont.. SHUCKS
cemitariluvesclownz: ya know
cemitariluvesclownz: you really really have wasted my time
cemitariluvesclownz: if you go back and read this conversationg
cemitariluvesclownz: i think you'd hate yourself
cemitariluvesclownz: but anyways
dizzez : nah i dont
cemitariluvesclownz: im dont
cemitariluvesclownz: *done even
dizzez : i dont see how id hate myself
cemitariluvesclownz: stop talking to me
dizzez : at all
cemitariluvesclownz: becuase if i were you, id find myself retarded after reading this conversationg
cemitariluvesclownz: you think im a head trip?>
dizzez : nah not i
cemitariluvesclownz: hunny psychoanalyze yourself
dizzez : gotcha ;o)
cemitariluvesclownz: i like how i spelled that wrong
cemitariluvesclownz: have a nice night
dizzez : you too
cemitariluvesclownz: call up that ex girlfrined of yours
dizzez : dont need to thanks tho
cemitariluvesclownz: shes obviously an easy lay since she "dated" you
cemitariluvesclownz: dont catch anything tho
cemitariluvesclownz: you do spit a lot of talk to females
dizzez : ha good one. never have tho
cemitariluvesclownz: you never know
cemitariluvesclownz: and
dizzez : lol keep tellingurself that
cemitariluvesclownz: this would be the end of the conversationg
dizzez : ok than stop
cemitariluvesclownz: *conversation
dizzez : =o)
cemitariluvesclownz: shut up then
dizzez : u first
cemitariluvesclownz: i need to copy and paste this conversationg
cemitariluvesclownz: *tion
dizzez : go for it
cemitariluvesclownz: i will
cemitariluvesclownz: fuck off.
dizzez : u too
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