fic: the end, the beginning (xena the conqueror)

Nov 07, 2007 21:31

for elfcat255
title: The End, The Beginning
author: angharad governal (angharad_gov)
fandom: XWP (Xena the Conqueror)
rating: G
pairing: hints of xena/gabrielle
prompt: Xena the Conqueror; hunger
note: for the drabble/ficlet meme

The End, The Beginning

When the last city fell and the whole of Greece was hers at last, The Conqueror thought the ceaseless, endless hunger for blood and battle would end. Little did she know that the peace she had planned and foreseen after the wars ended would be short-lived, that only a scarce few months would pass when rebellion and insurrection would ferment in the taverns, in villages, in the very streets of Corinth, the Empire's new capital. Little did she know that same rebellion would spawn a greater change in her life, more than that long ago day when her home village was invaded and set her on the path of death and destruction. Little did she know that in a small house in the center of Corinth, an escaped slave woman would forever change who and what she was, that a red headed former slave named Gabrielle would plant another form of hunger within her -- one that not only would change The Conqueror's life, but also the lives of the whole of the known world.

fan fic, fan fic: xwp

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