Yesterday I was giddy over Ubiquitous Computing and today it's Paranoid Melancholic Literariness

Feb 22, 2007 15:44

Narratives I need to read, of which fact I'm reminded by House of Leaves so far:
  • Nausee
  • Beowulf
  • Grendel
Topics and Narratives to which House of Leaves alludes, without (yet) footnotes, and are therefore clearly part of the actual fictionier's toolkit as opposed to the Reality Novel Story:
  • Beowulf (Grendel)
  • Borges, and I need to mention this to D, from whom I borrowed this, to whom I lent my sorry English copy of the B, because it's likely not in that anthology:
    • Pierre Menard, author of the Quixote
  • old-style fertility goddesses in general, but for our modern nerds let's say Easter from the Gaiman
Things which I read into HoL so far, bearing in mind I'm only on p68 / footnote 77:
  • honestly, I’m getting an Agrajag vibe from N’s first foray + T’s early “hallucinations”
  • besides the obvious G above
  • and why wasn’t this around when I took my hero / underworld class back at Bennington?
  • house < = > K’s psyche
Things that exist without exciting allusionary literaritude that don't excite me to feel old-school noun not verb "smart":
  • travel reservations
  • dishes
  • backup 禅
  • ordering a replacement ATM card
  • booking a doctor appointment
  • finding a place to
  • fax in next term’s course registrations
  • grocery shopping
  • deciding whether I can go to a CLA conference in St John’s in May.
What I should be doing, instead of reading, if I can’t get off my butt:
  • schoolwork

graduate school, travel, chores, todo, books

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