Must figure out why Adium (newest beta) has a setting for global icon changing, but still shows myself-buddy as old icon. Defeats purpose if doesn't show me as global icon on others' buddy lists, too. Am worried that global name is showing up on "both" identities, as well. And why is Deja Vu (sp) so slow? Can't go work in café until backup complete.
Skipped a birthday-drinks last night to catch up on homework and finishing a novel. Skipping Biobeer right now: same reason. Tapas party tomorrow; no idea what to make. Dishes still to do. One set of push-ups yesterday; no cardio yet. Yesterday worked diurnally; woke up afternoon today so will have to stay up. Posted to
agentpaper. What day will I have "off" ?!
Neat things learned:
LISP's first avatar (interpreter), On the Road originally a scroll, Whatsisbarg's crazy teleconferencing in 196?. Scroll discussion (not that teacher mentions this) reminds me again that J. K. Rowling doesn't know the first thing about them: columns.