Unpacking advances, but obstacles discovered:

Dec 28, 2006 19:53

  • Sunday:
    • Walked up Citadel Hill for first time, and around fort, though not inside any of the museum-ness. Surprised by moat/berm: had thought it was a sod-roofed stone house on a lawn.
  • Monday:
    • Ate gragathaz’ Dutch Baby.
    • Walked to campus.
    • Turkish food for dinner, on the way back. All Chinese and Japanese (that we noticed, on our way) restaurants were closed. Ate veggie köfte which disturbingly looked like ground red-meat. My coffee was never served.
    • Stayed offline all day, except for downloading a sample game to play whilst on campus.
  • Tuesday:
    • Ate three Tim-Horton’s doughnuts.
    • Attempted Boxing Day shopping (for More Eggnog), but everything was as quiet as Monday.
    • Made soup.
  • Wednesday:
    • Discovered that couch’s slipcover fits into washing machine.
    • Removed all (so-far) emptied boxes into recycling/laundry room.
    • Bought More Eggnog, and too much British candy. Ate (with gragathaz) entire packet of Chocolate Hobnobs.
    • Sorted plane ticket for next week's flight to Seattle; had to use "double miles" because postponed until so late.
  • Thursday:
    • Reconciled couch cushions with their slipcovers.
    • Learned that IVAR brace(s?) package was “delivered” on the first of December.
    • While picking up squee thoughtful UK gift (via swinehund) from post-office, learned that IVAR package was, of course, not still there.
    • Arranged TV, stacked VCR and three Nintendos. Plugged all into electrical strips. Can’t find any coäx’, however.
    • Still haven’t shopped for A Green Dress for friend’s May wedding. Must do tomorrow, in hopes of discounts.
Unnecessary re-purchases to make: reorder IVAR brace(s), buy more coäxial cable, buy new charging-stand for iPod.

chores, rl friends, update, uw, halifax, candy, food, household, todo, soup, bookshelves, holidays

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