Rats like pumpkin

Dec 02, 2006 12:09

Rather than contenting myself with just the regular loaf of bread (and scone: see subject) at the market this fine sunny morning1, I acquired also: cup of coffee2, bag of mixed soap ends, bottle of cider pronounced to be "real cider" by the Quebecker browser/taster standing next to me, jar of pepper jelly3, rutabaga and kale4. I spent 95% of my withdrawn cash.

1Something I've been noticing here: the extreme winds blow away the night's midwest-style downpours, so that nary a puddle remains by mid-morning.
2At a going rate of a dollar-twenty-five no matter where in the brewery you buy it. Soy milk, however, not ubiquitously available, so memo: gourmet kiosk across from the bread joint. By the, today, handyman's secret wallets (and purses).
3I can demolish 250g of this in a week, easily.
4I have never before seen a food as curly and fractal as kale. Probably going to be a nightmare to clean. But so fluffy!

bread, rats, food, vegetables, pets, weather, shopping, halifax locals

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