Applecare, oh! how we missed you…

Nov 06, 2006 21:20

Intermittently my computer won't boot properly; I've even gotten an exciting blinky-question-mark-folder instead of the nice Apple logo. Then last night my harddrive was spinning up and down for no reason, which was really slowing down my groupchat with some classmates.. This morning, it wouldn't wake up, as well as just giving me some backlight and whirring/chunking noises on each of several boot attempts.

I took it to the Dalhousie campus, where I was told that I must not have registered my extended Applecare because it shows the serial number's warranty as expiring in 2003. I'm smart. And on October 21, so it would have expired already anyway. And that there's a grace period of a month "probably", so I should try to call them and do it anyway. Well, first I will need to locate some old Apple boxes. Aaand, second I'll probably need to buy a disgracefully less RISCy new computer.

Then, after reading some things at the support site, I tried again to boot, and succeeded. Following which I made sure my iPod, iDisk, email, and iSchool backups were up to date1.

I don't trust this state of bootability to continue, so I was checking out prices and whatnot on the Apple site. Turns out they allege to auto-register one's Applecare now. Huh.

P.S. "Enantiomer" [Edit: I was going to type something here about it being a nicely-textured word and a Good Name For A Victorian, but my dinner wine was proportionally stronger, at that point, than my attention span. Apologies.]

1Would you hyphenate the phrase "up to date"? If so, when? Answers on a postcard. (I dispute gragathaz's judgement here, though I did use his style in this post. He says I'm "completely wrong"; I can't deduce how they'd parse differently, especially given the equating verb.)

passive-aggressive lazyweb, finances, computer, update, words, grammar, computer whinging, consumerism, gnfav, spelling, ch'an

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