Financial Aid

Jul 28, 2006 16:10

1: I called the iSchool's Student Services office this morning and spoke to a very friendly and helpful woman. She was sympathetic but didn't know details. She said I should speak to a woman whose last day of work there is today. Because of that, she's working amongst multiple desks, but my contact said she would get her a message about my situation. I gave her my name and phone number.

2: I received an emailed reply from the Office of Student Financial Aid (separate from my phone call yesterday). Frustratingly/amusingly, the reply ignores the second half of my emailed inquiry. I'd said: …I notice that although it assumes zero resources from me, the award seems to cover tuition and fees but not living expenses. Is this correct? I will need help with living expenses since I will not be working full-time. If this is correct, can you assist me in pursuing another, private loan?…
The reply states: Unfortunately, the student budget that you have for your program is only for tuition. You may want to consider completing a Revision Request for a Additional Expenses and submitting it to our Office for review. Below is a link to the form, please read the directions carefully…
This matches what I was told on the phone. I also see that the form is for things beyond the standard considerations. For example, after you've received your living expenses allowance but it's not enough because you have to pay for daycare. That is not my problem here. Ominously, the email is "signed" with initials (no name!) that match the woman I was referred to at the iSchool. I've just replied as follows (though I've not yet heard the official word from the iSchool): …Is this related to my program's being administered by the Educational Outreach office? My impression was that the iSchool's distance MLIS program is in fact eligible for full financial aid, despite the fact that it is administered by the Educational Outreach office…

3: In order to register for classes, I have a special form1 to print and fax, because "Disbursement of financial aid funds from the University Student Accounts office to UW Educational Outreach is not automated." I think I will do this asap, regardless of the living expenses muddle.


update, uw, financial aid

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