Pirate Poker, VM thrashing, Nerdly Addictive Expenses

Apr 21, 2006 17:34

Just played my very first games of Texas Hold 'Em today, via Puzzle Pirates. Weird. Slightly alters strategy to have cards in common with other players.

And then I received a dialogue box telling me that I've run out of space on my harddrive. That could explain some of my recent lag. I think I'll be "backing up" some things to DVD soonish anyway, so I should be alright. Stopgap was to empty the Trash, which freed up about 5GB.

In other news, LBIL has talked me into attending a gaming event tomorrow, which means I'll have to awaken in the quasi-madrugada. We've practised for it last night and today, using "spoiled" materials painstakingly entered into gaming software and played across his two ethernetted PCs. I can scarcely believe I'm admitting to this procedure, though at least I haven't used any jargon in the main post1.

And then there's the Library Booksale which is to take place this weekend as well.

1 Discussion and/or sniggering can take place in the comments.

magic the gathering, poker, finances, pirates, computer, puzzle pirates, cards, games, card games, books, consumerism, ch'an

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