せんしゅうのまいあさわたしはしちじにおきました. いつも
gragathaz とあさごはんをたべます. こちゃのみながら シリアル をたべました. たべながら クロスワードパズル をします. わたしたちのねこ パズル はてつだるんです: ねこはかみにすわるんですよ. ねこは ミルク をのみます. ゆうべはたしはさんじまでほんをよんだんです. けさわたしはあさごはんのあとねたんです.
えっと, いま タイピ をうっています. タイピ をうちながらしゅくだいをべんきょおしながら. "
gragathaz はどこですか?", いうんです, "いってとなにをばんごはんはたべるんです?" バナナ をたべています.じゅういちじじゅうごふんまえです!
gragathaz はあそこです! AIM はすごいですね!
I'd've posted a crazy babelfish translation, if babelfish read hiragana. Oh well.
Edit: My translation widget gives us the following:
The あ the plug palpus う will not I did and placed in the ちじ. always
gragathaz with the あ is the べ increases the boiled rice. densely only the ちゃ, it is the べ it increased the serial. it is the べ, the crossword puzzle is done. our The cat puzzle ending languidly it is: The cat sits down in biting, it is. the cat increases only the milk. the ほ is read the ゆ う べ carrying out with the stripe, it is. the け, as for me the あ after the boiled rice being jealous, it does.
Huh with, now タイピ the う っ て it is. タイピ inside, it is the palpus く to be, while the べ it is the sewer to do."
gragathaz it is where? "You say, it is," saying, what is the boiled rice is the べ る is? "The banana it is the べ て it is The じ ゅ う it is and it is before the your ちじ じ ゅ う droppings!
gragathaz there it is! AIM is enormous, don't you think? is!
Hooboy. If that's actually what I said? I'm really sorry.
Romaji -> Hiragana Converter