Help: Why does Terminal always start up Emacs for me?!

Nov 01, 2005 16:29

For the other user on the system, Terminal starts up just a shell. For me, though, it always fires off Emacs. I'm pretty sure that when I started using Emacs on the new install a few weeks ago that I didn't tell it to. I like Emacs and all, but sometimes I just want a plain shell!

I've got no aliases defined. I've got no login, profile, rc, or other shell startup file in my home directory. Not that it should matter, but neither do I have any Emacs startup files. I seem to be using bash, which is the system default, in case that matters. I am not an administrative user. What else should I be looking at?

Edit: Problem Solved, thanks to blarglefiend!

os x, unix, ch'an, emacs, computer whinging

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