More Web Browser Wibbling

Oct 30, 2005 01:40

Firefox won't allow me to use my text-conversion Services, to "title case" a phrase. Neither will Opera. Same reason: Carbon. Urrgh; there goes my quick LibraryThing title editing.

I've gotten Opera now to work with the FurlIt bookmarklet (but I had to download a recenter version of the bookmarklet).

It seems that Opera's vaunted editable keyboard shortcuts interface automatically change the word "ctrl" into "command" (but does so after I leave the screen, so I don't know about it), which boggles my mind.

There's a "user javascript" (or the latest beta version) for Opera which fixes that "Subscribe to Bloglines" folder pulldown bug, but I haven't tried it yet.

To sum up my current leanings:
Opera looks a bit nicer by default, and it comes with more features that I don't need to install manually (extensions in Firefox). They both have differently imperfect text-field editation problems. I still need to try them both on my banking websites and see what breaks.

I think I will also try Shiira, because Cocoa services would be nice, apart from the text-editing problems. It's very new, though, and probably isn't too stable.

Oh!, what prompted this -besides the obvious missing features (draggable tabs, saved state) and random CPU hoggage in Safari- was that lately it refused to redirect (including on banking sites). Sometimes. Also, the "enable plugins" checkbox intermittently unchecked itself, so I'd have to recheck it and then reload a page with e.g. Flash. Sometimes. Both problems made browsing cumbersome, as you can imagine.

firefox, software, update, browsers, opera, macintosh, computer whinging, todo, ch'an

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