Pets Update (in which I write some very long sentences)

Aug 30, 2005 13:18

Yesterday, Emma had her bandage removed. She squeaked a bit when it was ripped off, of course, because it took some hair with it. There was a lot of dried blood on there (I had a hard time looking at it), but the vet proclaimed it "good, very good", and just said that if she manages to rip a hole in herself, to put her on paper towels instead of particulate litter, and to call them. I took her home, let her crawl around on the bed for a while, tried to put water on the bloodiest bits to help her clean up, gave her some food (in hopes that she'd be thrilled by her regained ability to hold things in her hands), but she mostly wanted to wash her head, curl in a ball (also a regained ability) and to sleep. I put her in the cage after a bit of bed napping, and she's doing fine: climbing up to drink water, eating, etc. After a fortnight or so (once she's recovered from surgery) we'll see about trying steroids on her hind legs.

Buder was shaved yesterday. The shaving lady was under the belief that not shaving the tail at all "looks better". Um. If by "better" you mean "like a squirrel". It is pretty funny, but unfortunately it hinders our way of gauging when his fur has grown back out by whether all his tail hair is the same length. Another funny thing was that I forgot to inform/warn the vet-folks that he has only eye, so they were briefly startled. When they told me about this, I teased them that they had lost it and pretended to be shocked.

Yes, I have taken pictures. No, I won't be removing them from the camera until I nuke-&-terraform Ch'an, though. It's nice to have him colder and less hair-pully, because it makes him want to lie on "the bed or other cloth things such as the couch" instead of "very flat things such as the floor", which (besides being friendlier) is good since he's spending a bunch of time hiding out in the bedroom away from Boo. He could use an anti-dandruff bath, though. He reminds me of those joke lifesize cutouts where you stick your head in and you are, e.g., Superman or a Fat Lady: he looks like himself when I stare at his face from the front, but otherwise not so much.

Oh, for our records: he was 5.5kg (12lb) when they weighed him yesterday morning. He was about 4kg, as I recall, in December/January when he hated his food. Just maybe, moving indoors and eating stuff he likes has caused the weight gain.

pets, cats, update, catsitting, rats, buder, emma

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