In Which (Surprisingly) I Get Out of the House and Do Errands in Semi-Detail

Jul 25, 2005 10:47

Lime squeezings in water are good, as I've been reminded since I bought the limes on my previous produce run. I discovered last night that lime squeezings in orange juice are also tasty.

Having stayed up until well past dawn Saturday night, I slept through most of the day Sunday, but, oddly, also went to bed on time. This morning I woke up before the seven-thirty alarm, and have been entirely non-undead so far. Bizarre, especially given the weather.

It's been sunny all week. The completely dead TV blue sky and clear (non-humid) smell of water reminds me of summers in California.

Although we didn't attend Games last night, we did play through Captain Park1. Unfortunately, I tried to hoard my cards too long, so gragathaz was able to complete two adventures (thus winning) before I'd finished any. I need to remember to balance "hoarding cards/month-stones" with "getting back first" for next time.

On the way back from my nine-o'clock doctor appointment, I stopped by the Central Library. I discovered that they don't actually open until ten a.m. (so I couldn't pick up the next Popular Science Bookclub book, which is about champagne), a Japanese Canadian thing is on my birthday when I will be out of town, and that I missed Harry and the Potters, who played there on Saturday. Disappointing! Then I walked down to Pender (to take a bus to my next errand), where I learned that MacSomething's bookstore doesn't open until eleven. My next errand was to finally deposit a bunch of US cash2 at our credit union4. Following which, I walked over to Robson and took the 5 up to Cardero, where I purchased an Iced Matcha Latte from Blenz6, then walked across to the Safeway on Davie. Besides other things, I caved and bought produce at Safeway, but I did pay attention and (except for the apples and oranges) only bought Canadian. Unfortunately, I still had not finished my Matcha by this time, so, finding it difficult to fumble four grocery bags, I used up a second bus ticket to get home from Safeway. Niftily (because I'd not taken one before), I took the C23 which is a "community shuttle"5, and a short bus with cushy seats.

1 The game specifies at least three players. Buder the cat was our third.
2 For gragathaz' birthday. A gift from my mother-in-law, who used my brother-in-law as a courier. For her, this was the easiest method of transport3, although I still don't understand why she didn't send a check.
3 She logs on to send email approximately once a year, so I can't imagine her trying to use Paypal.
4 The teller looked at me funny when I didn't know how much I was giving him, and counted it all out on the counter.
5 Whatever that means; they still require a fare.
6 Yay! Green!

update, games, music, sleep, vancouver, finances, chores, food, fruit, bank, cheapass, books, errands, weather, library, harry potter

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