old Update: mostly Daiso

Jul 02, 2005 19:23

A list of what we did and got a week ago at Aberdeen Centre, when we went there with A:
  • Daiso shopping. He turned out not to like the glass stones enough to get a pile for Magic: the Gathering counters. We didn't get away so lightly, according to the receipt:

    Cat Toy
    A shiny crinkly thing on a sproingy string on a stick, to bounce for Boo. The similarly described object she had to play with last time we catsat her wasn't brought this time.
    Rice Paddle (Square)
    I would call this a "small, wooden, perpendicularly-ended spatula". Short-handled, flat-ended spatulae are thin on the ground, in my experience.
    Ceramic Pet House
    Yellow, flat on the bottom, with a small opening in the side, and ears on top. Very cute. Supposed to be for a gerbil or hamster to look very cute in, but since we have no such pet at the moment, we're going to give it to the rats to store food in. We couldn't not buy it!
    Book Stand
    The kind of thing which holds a book open and at an angle, to help with (e.g.) cooking. This one is a bit short, and flopped over backwards when I tried it with a tall cookbook. Of course a heavy cookbook would be too heavy.
    The sticky label actually reads "leaf pot". This is a piece of pottery about the volume of a Chinese soup bowl, but with one side that was dragged out before firing (A said it actually looked molded, but nevermind), to make a sort of leaf/egg shape (if you look at it from the top), or a Jawa-transport (if you look at it from the long side). It's black, and will be used as a dish or a bean-scoop.
    Plastic spray-bottle to squirt naughty kitties with water with.
    Book Stand (x6)
    Book Ends! Like in a library! Yay and squee! I got all they had (six) of the black, plain (no fancy/girly cut-outs in the back), large size. I will be going back for more of these. After I inserted the bookends in the shelves, I lined up the place-holder stuffed-animals on top of the bookcase.

  • Food court, where we got various buns and a purportedly green-tea shake which turned out to taste like banana
  • Rode up the the escalator, which wouldn't be noteworthy, except for the memory (which it inspired in both me and gragathaz independently) of Great Teacher Onizuka issue 1. (I would scan the page if I had it, but I seem to have only issues 17, 19, and 21; because I started reading the series via the Multnomah County Library. It's not too hard to google the summaries, though.)

update, pottery, houseguests, dishes, manga, food, pets, japanese things, cats, bookshelves, rodents, vancouver

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