Ok, so maybe just a meme to place-hold while I think of something more intelligent...

Dec 09, 2009 23:02

Picked up from dichroic

Longest distance ever traveled? New Zealand to ANYWHERE. Once it took us more than 28 hours of traveling to get to the place where we were going, via Singapore, Frankfurt and Budapest.

Farthest north? Fairbanks, Alaska. I think.

Farthest south? New Zealand, South Island - not QUITE to the bottom of it, but close enough...

Farthest east? From where...? I've been to Japan. I guess that qualifies as "east".

Farthest west? Is Tahiti east or west? Where am I measuring from?

Highest mountain? Hiked up Alpine peaks when a kid but don't know how tall they were. Sorry.

Lowest point? Anywhere that's sea level - haven't been anywhere "lower" than sea level that's actually on the earth'c crust per se.

Hottest Temp? 110+ degrees in Florida. Ye gods. Never again.

Coldest Temp? Well, last night and tonight comes close...

Most countries visited in one year: 9, I think... consecutively, in Europe...

Furthest North / South distance traversed in one year: Haven't been that far south of late. Pass.

Number of continents visited: 5

Just off the top of my head, anyway. I could probably be more specific if gave myself time to think about it...
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