It's spring time. Smell the flowers, feel the love, and enjoy the flip flops. =)
So break hasn't been the most eventful ever. Whoo-hoo? Yeah...
I've slept a lot. I've watched Rent about eleventy billion time and Harry Potter four about six million. They're good movies. I <3 Rent a LOT.
I'm probably not going to do much this break other than sleep, talk to Parker, and eat ice cream. lol I was doing some yard work today, I'm going to finish it up tommorow.
I guess uneventful and boring is better than eventful and full of drama. Yeah, definitly is. Though, it could be eventful and full of fun... Eh.
This week might go to trying to fix a friendship if the girl will swallow her pride and appoligize and talk to me. I'm not going to talk to her, it's her fault that this has happened. I didn't lie and break a promise.
-yawn- Yup. Sleep. That's all that is up.