one thing to my purpose nothing

Oct 18, 2010 15:25

Thing that annoys me greatly: this article, which argues that the sonnets prove that Shakespeare was gay and found women repulsive

Thing that annoys me equally greatly: comments to said article which are all "ZOMG NO SHAKESPEARE WASN'T GAY ELIZABETHANS WERE JUST LIKE THAT ABOUT MALE FRIENDSHIP."

*slaps everybody with fish*


Well, okay, the reasons for having the word "queer" are infinitely more complicated, but THAT IS WHY WE USE IT IN LITCRIT.

And look, I know every time I say I don't think Shakespeare was a misogynist I get jumped on for being naive, being a bad scholar, creating the Shakespeare I want to see, but no matter whom Shakespeare wanted to bone (and I am sure not going to argue for an entirely-heterosexual Shakespeare), you're just not going to convince me of that.

sonnets, things i'll regret in the morning, the stupid it burns, rants, academic wank, links

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