Approach thou like the rugged Russian bear

Apr 09, 2004 01:15

From a chat conversation with jon3831 and silverwind126:

Jessie: actually, I *am* shocked. When did it become 1am? :o
Lea: Five minutes ago, by my computer clock ;)
Jon: That's what you get for hanging out with us. ;)
Jessie: Yeah, you pesky addictive people! :p ;)
Lea: yeah. Now doth time waste you ;)
Jon: Yeah, we're evil like that. ;)
Lea: (Oh,, no, please, PLEASE don't go there, brain...)
Jessie: (It wouldn't be so bad, but I've got to be up at 6:30 tomorrow :p)
Jessie: Go where?!
Jessie: Go where? :D
Jon: I hear there's a twelve-step program to overcome Io and Jon addiction...
Lea: well, do you know who Yakov Smirnoff is?
Jessie: Yes...
Jon: In Soviet Russia, people addict you!
Lea: So you know what his schtick is...yeah...
Jessie: Ah
Lea: My brain just crossed that schtick with the line "I wasted time, and now doth time waste me"...
Jessie: lol!
Jon: LMAO!
Jessie: Bad brain ;)
Lea: and really, Yakov Smirnoff as Richard II is *not* a place I want to be in
Jon: In Soviet Russia, Crown deposes you!
* Jessie actually saw his show one time, years ago. It was funny ;)
Lea: I'll be over here scrubbing my brain now ;)
Jon: Oh, no, no, no, no...
Jon: Do *not* go there, brain. Do not. Do no... fuck.
Jon: It went there.
Jessie: Spill!
* Jessie loves to hear rebellious brains ;)
Jon: Yakov Smirnov as Henry V in the Harfleur Ultamatum
Lea: okay, at this point, I'm not certain whether I'm laughing, or weeping ;)
Jon: In Soviet Russia, naked infants spit you!
Jon: Or worse yet?
Lea: oh, no...
Jon: Crispin's Day.
Lea: *snerk*
Lea: btw, can I post this conversation in my LJ? ;)
Jon: Go for it. ;)
Jon: "In Soviet Russia, day outlives you!"

richard ii, dirtybadwrong, henry v, #thebreach, silliness

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