no man's pie is free from his ambitious finger

Apr 06, 2010 13:26

People for whom angevin2 has a total soft spot:

1. Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, because his gentleman-usher George Cavendish wrote a weirdly endearing if overly copious in intestinal-related detail biography of him, and because he makes such a fantastic exit in Shakespeare/Fletcher's Henry VIII.

2. Clive Wood, because he was fucking amazing as York in the RSC Henry VIs, which I saw in the original 2000-01 version; I weep bitter, bitter tears that I did not get to see his Henry IV (there is a clip of it here which is brilliant).

So even though I will almost certainly not be able to see it, I am filled with immoderate squee that the latter will be playing the former in the Globe's production of Henry VIII. BECAUSE OMG HOW MUCH WILL THAT ROCK.

Dear Globe people,

Please film your season again this year? I have been very good and even finished my dissertation. I promise I'll tell all my friends to buy DVDs! <3


globe, stalking the rsc (but not really lj), things that are awesome, tudory things, open letters

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